I Brought a Piggy 3 days ago, and shes settled in well and seems pretty happy, but in her outside hutch, she just either sits in her nest box or is by her bowls eating. I have a wooden tunnel/house thing, a squash ball and paper bags, but she doesnt use any of them. Is there any toys that i can make which will keep her enterained and which she will reeally like?? ( cant give her floor time, only lap time, she had a 5.5ft cage tho.
Also ,I always wanted two females, but they only had one little girl, so i am getting a 4 wk old female to go with my 10 wk old one. How do i introduce them to each other??
So my questions are;
What ar4e some pig toys which will keep ehr entertained and active??
How will i introduce my new piggy which i am getting in 3 days to my one??