
Is This Enough to keep my guinea pig happy??

by  |  earlier

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I Brought a Piggy 3 days ago, and shes settled in well and seems pretty happy, but in her outside hutch, she just either sits in her nest box or is by her bowls eating. I have a wooden tunnel/house thing, a squash ball and paper bags, but she doesnt use any of them. Is there any toys that i can make which will keep her enterained and which she will reeally like?? ( cant give her floor time, only lap time, she had a 5.5ft cage tho.

Also ,I always wanted two females, but they only had one little girl, so i am getting a 4 wk old female to go with my 10 wk old one. How do i introduce them to each other??


So my questions are;

What ar4e some pig toys which will keep ehr entertained and active??

How will i introduce my new piggy which i am getting in 3 days to my one??




  1. Read over and


    this should answer your questions!

  3. my girlfriend owns two guineas and im sure they just dont use toys like hamsters or gerbils. my girlfriends just love to run around and what you call popcorn. when i watched videos on youtube thats all i have ever seen a guinea pig do is jump around. try to give her as much room as possible in her cage.

    and im not so sure about having two females of different age living together. i have naver seen a guina fight but im sure it can happen.

    good luck anyway

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