
Is This Feeling Normal???

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I got engaged last week, and it was one of the happiest days fo my life as i had been waiting ages for him to ask, but never thought he would!!!

Then unexpectantly he proposed, obviously i said yes. But i'm not as excited as i thought i would be about the whole thing?

So now i'm panicking if i'm doing the right thing marrying him if i don't feel excited... I do really love him though and i do want to spend the rest of my life with him...

My friend said i could be in a state of disbelief and shock that now it's actually happening... Has anyone else ever felt like that? Did you get excited again???

Please help and reassure me!!!




  1. I don't think you need to worry about not being excited the whole time.  People usually adjust to things much faster than we expect to.  Just so long as you are not feeling uncomfortable when you think of becoming his wife, you are fine.

  2. Absolutely!  that feeling is 100 percent normal! I've been through your situation many times and every single time i've had that feeling! Don't worry, everything will turn out for the better!

  3. Maybe because U have been anticipating his proposal so much, now that he did, U aren't so excited anymore because the one thing U have been waiting so long for already happened. But if U really love him and wanna be with him, get married!  

  4. Let it sink in a little bit, you may not have fully embraced the idea yet.  If you have been waiting and are happy with him, you may just need some time to get your head around it.

  5. i think it is!! i think everyone has their doubts wen they get engaged its somethin they want that when it comes ur not even sure if dats wat u really wanted but its just that ur in shock some ppl get this when they are weeks before gettin married!! they start havin doubts but its okay its normal if ur sure that u love him!! u wont leave him that easily

  6. i think its normal. Every body gets nervise.

  7. It's normal. Once you start planning and get into the excitement of it, you'll feel it. It was probably the waiting for the proposal! Good luck!

  8. Have you ever heard so much about a movie... the actions scenes were amazing, the love story was so sad, everyone in the theater cried... that by the time you actually saw the movie it couldn't possibly live up to your expectations?  Well, this is much like the engagement process, in my opinion... except that you've been dreaming about the day you are engaged since you were a little girl.  This gives you even more time to establish unachievable expectations of what it will all feel/be like.  In my case, I always thought that when my boyfriend would get down on one knee I would bawl like a baby... in reality, I was too happy and excited to cry at all!  Also, I always thought I would enjoy planning my wedding... in reality, I couldn't wait for the day so that all the stress of planning would finally be over!  

    My advice?  Let go of your expectations and enjoy life for what it IS.  The same needs to go for your marriage.  Do not go into a marriage with expectations of what married life will be.  You will be setting yourself up for a fall.  That's not to say married life isn't wonderful... it's truly the biggest blessing of my life.  But if you're expecting Happily Ever After then you should know there's no such thing.

    Good luck.

  9. I think most potential brides feel that way.  I worried about whether I was doing the right thing even as I walked down the isle. LOL! That was 37 years, 4 kids and 4 grandkids ago. Ends up, I made the right choice!

  10. yes i am exactly like that. i found out last week through my father that he is popping the big question this week and i got so excited..but now i am just thinking about it and i am getting very nervous i do think it is because you finally got what you wanted and now you are  just in shock and disbelief. it will all go away/!! i am excited again each time i think about it...

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