
Is This Flag Legal and non-offensive?

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its the american flag with mexican colors

is it legal?

can i get arrested if i put it on a shirt?




  1. I'm sure some people will find it offensive, but that doesn't matter.  They are free to make shirts which have a big red line through the image on your shirt.

    Free speech is a great thing.  If people do actually get upset about it, you know you've struck a nerve on something that probably needs to be talked about.

  2. No you cant get arrested, but you might get your *** kicked if you wear it. remember you may have free speech and freedom of expression, but remember that doesnt give you the right to purposly offend and or irritate others. So if you get a negative response or a punch to the head, remember you expressed yourself and so did he. So dont go crying because someone hit you, you where asking for it!!!!

  3. > its the american flag with mexican colors

    > is it legal?

    sure, 1st amendment and all.

    >can i get arrested if i put it on a shirt?

    you can probably get arrested while wearing it, but not for that.

    unless you own the copyright in the shirt, if you make and sell any shirts with the image, that might be a civil and/or criminal matter.

    But probably not for the reason you are thinking of.


    some idiot up there wrote:

    > but remember that doesnt give you the right to purposly offend and or irritate others.

    Of course it does. what reaction someone has to freely shared speech is not the problem of the speaker.

    what no one has the right to is to attack a speaker violently because they are irritated by a shirt.

  4. You can design whatever you please, freedom of expression makes that legal.

    As for offensive, I don't really think enough people would make the connection to get offended by it.  

  5. In the u.s., some will consider it offensive, but the u.s. has the first amendment and wearing a shirt that some find offensive is not against the law.

  6. No its not illegal, the great thing about this country is free speech , no matter how big an idiot the speaker is. What message are you trying to convey. If its taht your proud of your heritage and proud to be an american cool. If its some kind of mexico should take over america garbage you might get your teeth knocked in by someone.

  7. Legal but offensive

  8. Freedom of speech allows you to do anything you want if you want to make a statement.  Stand up for your right to make the statement.  but always ask yourself are there any negatives in the statement that someone might take wrong or could use to argue the statement.

  9. You live in the land of free speech, baby! Of course it is legal!

  10. It's legal but be forewarned; you may get an a$$-kicking for wearing it.

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