
Is This ID fraud?

by  |  earlier

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DH was trying to sell our '99 dodge neon so he can by a truck

well yesterday i get a call asking if we still have the car and we did so she started aking what wrong with it and i told her nothing except the air does not work . then she asks what is the lowest we will go ( we were org, asking $1800 - cause dh wanted a truck that was $2000 ... plus the blue book for our car was about $2200) so i told her about $1500 and i gave her dh cell phone # to get better detail from him.

well she goes to his work test drive it and says she needs to have the car today! well she said she would give $800 for it and we told her no $1300 and thats that. well she starts crying saying that she needs it cause her baby needs a blood transfusion (sp?) every week and she needs to get him back and forth . then she makes a call to see if she can get more money from a family member and is cont. on this story about her life and baby and then comes up with $1200 and us feeling bad for this poor baby says ok




  1. yes = get the police on her pronto

  2. Sounds like she's a con artist.

    One thing you could do is keep the extra key. Then go to your local DMV and say you need a replacement title because yours had been lost.

  3. Here's the situation and the potential problem for you:

    The title is not transferred out of your name and into the buyers' name.

    Now, you are at great risk because if the car is in an accident, you or your insurance company is responsible because it is titled in your name.

    What can you do at this point?

    If it were me, I would go to the DMV and apply for a lost title.

    Since the car is still in your name and the buyer has not transferred remains your car legally.

    Then, I would take the spare key and go and pick up the car. Bring along a camera and take a picture of the For Sale sign as well...this will help you to prove what she is doing. When the lady contacts you and she surely will, tell her to bring proof of title transfer into the buyers name (the SAME person on the bill of sale) and you will return the car. If the cops show up they will understand the risk to you and why you are doing this.

    What she is trying to do is's called tax evasion and selling cars without a dealers' license.

    You can also contact your states Independant Automobile Dealers Association....just type in your states' name and IADA, run a search and it will pop up....they will be VERY INTERESTED in this situation and will assist in the prosecution of this curbstoner.

    Don't wait these things now before you end up on the wrong end of a lawsuit.

    People that will do this will sell the car to someone else and not fill in next buyers name on the could wind up with the car still in your name (and have yourself exposed) for years to come.

    Good luck

  4. In Illinois, taking a title and not signing as the buyer is a felony in itself. Possesion of that "open title" is another felony. My good friend "John" was convicted of this and will be a felon for the rest of his life. Reselling the car to a third party without titleing it is tax evasion at least and could get everyone involved in serious trouble. I can't speak for your state's laws but if you feel burned look into it. Every time someone gets out of taxes someone else or all of us have to make up the difference. Also, if you could get her to show you the title to prove it's one owner, and it still is unsigned, all you gotta do is grab it, jump in the car, and drive off. It's still in your name! If someone looking to buy that car wrecks it, it's on YOU.

  5. Thats why I don't ever buy into sob stories..  thats when you say I'm really sorry but I  really  can't less than $1500.. sounds like you learned a valuable lesson..  as far as the ID fraud I'm not really sure I would ask the police department to be sure.  

    (she may have signed the title by now. that unfortunately doesnt have to be done in front of you.. )

  6. All day long this is a fraudulent act... In your shoes, I would notify my local police dept. so they can put a freeze on the VIN# which would prevent any transactions or title changes. I also would go to the BMV and get a duplicate title becz that would void out the file # listed in the upper corner and your replacement will be the only valid one. Weird she didn't sign nothing becz the title bureau request for ID before a change is made and he back need to be notarized too. But the title bureau can tell  you if that car is still in your name.  It happens alot here in Cleveland, OH. these shady car dealers even private owners will sell a car then report it stolen or balance not paid in full to get more money.  But stay up on her and she may not even have a baby.. But the killer would be not to only take her the extra key -take the police or just h**l walk up to the car and take it (make sure you hv the duplicate/replacement title)...  LOL out the fake scam artist right in your neighborhood...

  7. I'm not sure I'd go and take the car.  They know where you live and you have a family.  God forbid they decide to get some revenge and come knocking at your door.

    The best thing to do is contact Motor Vehicles and tell them you know of a curbstoner and let them deal with them.  You should also notify the DMV that you have sold your vehicle.  You may need to provide a copy of the Bill of Sale.  IF you left your plates on the car, you need to get them.  You may want to ask the police for assistance.
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