
Is This Photo Provacative?

by  |  earlier

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Several people, mostly family, have told me to take this photo off my profile, because it is "provacative" and I'm supposedly making a "come hither" look. Am I blind, or are these people over reacting? Here's the photo. Believe me, nothing bad. Promise.




  1. Ok, you're family must be crazy. That's a cute photo. Show them what kinds of pictures other girls post...

  2. I don't see it either. There are photos out there that it's blatantly obvious someone's flirting or sending the wrong message. This photo looks harmless to me. I'd keep it on there. It's not like you're dressed sleazy or doing anything distasteful that would warrant that type of comment from somebody. If you do take that photo off the website, is there one you like better that you could post?

  3. Babe if you had a bag over your head some parents would say hey its a nice bag your giving out the wrong signals lol just be glad they are being protective and give a ****

  4. nope it's perfectly normal, they are over reacting, it's just a normal close up ha ha

  5. lol no, but i can see how your parents might think that..

    just try taking a picture where you look happier

  6. not at all


  8. You must come from a very conservative family because it looks fine to me.

  9. it's not provocative to me.

  10. Woah, yeah, they are DEFINITELY overreacting. Not at all. Its just an upfront picture of yourself. Nothing bad. Tell those people to chill.

  11. You must have way conservative friends and family! What's provacative about it?

  12. Nope ... looks fine to me ... nothing showing ... there's no hidden meaning in the eyes ... I don't get it ...

    Must be their age ... it LOOKS FINE!

  13. Definitely not.

  14. No.

  15. Nope u look great - ignore them!

  16. You mean a seductive look? Nope. You just seem to be having a slight smile that's all. I dont see anything wrong with it.

  17. Listen to those around you. And why have a photo on the net anyway? The Mona Lisa painting is controversial.

  18. nop

  19. Not at all.

  20. Your picture makes me want to vomit.  Oh...there I vomitted.  Ok it's over now...oh wait...more vomit...Ok all done.  Thanks now I am skinnier.

  21. no it looks nice

  22. depends on your age.

    under 18, which i think you are, you are too young to be posting that pic. it is hard to explain, you really do have to wait until you have kids to understand, but older people have to protect children from what they think they are ready for, but we know they are not.

    the internet is a big scary place. that pic should only be given to a chosen few. friends, family. it should not be viewed by every pervert on the net.

    maybe the best way to put it is, you didnt do anything wrong, but every one is afraid you are going to attract the wrong kind of a guy and quickly find yourself in a situation you are not ready to handle.

    yes it is provocative and it is a come hither look.

    no, you are not blind, you are just too young to see it.

  23. You look beautiful and classy in this photo, nothing tasteles or provactive about it.  :)

  24. I don't think theres any reason to take it off your profile, it's nothing crazy, lol, but i do see where they're coming from - you do have somewhat of a provacative stare....which i do believe is why they are saying that!

  25. How old fashioned are you parents?

    There is nothing wrong with it

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