I applied for a job, off a website called Gumtree, as a driver for an American Businessman, it was a temporary position for just 8 weeks.
The guy emailed me and said I had got the job and he would send me my first weeks wages, by way of cheque, to show they where serious.
I recieved the cheque, and then the guy emailed me and said I need to send £700 of the £900 he sent me, to Luton (UK) in order to pay for the hire car. I did this once the cheque had cleared. A few days ago I was arrested by the Police on suspition of fraud, as it now appears that the cheque was a copy, a fake, a counterfeit and I have since been charged and have a date to appear in court.
I explained to the police what happened, they said they believed me, but said also I must fight it out in court.
Am I a fraudster, or simply an innocent vicitm?
I feel let down by our Police/Judicial System.