
Is This TSS ... Please Help ... Thanks?

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Does this sound like i have TSS

I used tampons for my last few periods (but not the period im on now)

And today i have started to feel sick

And in the morning if i sat down and then got up all i could see was blotches of black and then my eye sight starts to go clear (maybe low blood pressurere?)

Is this TSS ??

Please help ..I'm really scared

Thank you




  1. Didn't you ask this earlier? And everyone said no?

  2. ya know, i really never knew what a tss meant

  3. No, it's not TSS. TSS only occurs while you have the tampon in you (unless you get it from something else entirely...did you know guys can get TSS?) But anyways, you would have a lot more symptoms if you had TSS.

  4. Doesn't sound like TSS. You get a fever and really sick that way. I would go to the doctor soon though to have this checked out. Also, i think you must be using tampons at the time to get it. It's also incredibly rare.

    Toxic shock syndrome from staphylococcus starts suddenly with vomiting, high fever (temperature at least 102° Fahrenheit [38.8° Celsius]), a rapid drop in blood pressure (with lightheadedness or fainting), watery diarrhea, headache, sore throat, and muscle aches.

    Within 24 hours, a sunburn-like rash appears. There also may be bloodshot eyes and an unusual redness under the eyelids or inside the mouth (and v****a in females). After that, broken blood vessels may appear on the skin. Other symptoms may include: confusion or other mental changes; decreased urination; fatigue and weakness; thirst; weak and rapid pulse; pale, cool, moist skin; and rapid breathing.

  5. Although TSS is rare, anyone is at risk. Even if you use a tampon as directed, the cotton fibers can be left behind to cultivate bacteria. Try putting a tampon in a bowl of water and taking it back out, you get fibers leftover on your hands. Tampons are not sterile, and made with chemicals I wouldn't want to even think about putting in my body. It doesn't sound like TSS, but if it makes you feel better go to the doctor anyways and tell them of your concerns. If you are really paranoid about TSS, google menstrual cups. They are really worth it, to actually enjoy your period and avoid TSS fears all at once.

    As for the possible feinting issue(that's what it sounds like), try eating something with carbs and protein. Real food, even if it's a hamburger, not a protein bar or diet thing. Juice usually helps me get a boost since I get low blood sugar, at least until I can make something eat.

  6. Toxic Shock Syndrome only applies to women with a tampon in at that moment ,who also has a sudden temperature and vomiting diarrheoh

    sounds like you had a migraine earlier.

  7. these are smptoms of TSS:

    high fever (greater than 102° Fahrenheit [38.8° Celsius])

    rapid drop in blood pressure (with lightheadedness or fainting)

    sunburn-like rash on the entire body

    vomiting and diarrhea

    severe muscle aches or weakness

    bright red coloring of the eyes, throat, and v****a

    headache, confusion, disorientation, or seizures

    kidney and other organ failure

    but i doubt you have it if you only wore your tampons for 3-8 hours and the symptoms would show up at your last period since that is when you wore tampons but low blood pressure is a symptom so you may want to see a doctor just in case.

  8. if you had tss, the symptoms would have occured when you had a tampon in/after you took it out. you may just be sick .  

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