
Is This The Best the Media Has on Sarah Palin?

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She was originally For the bridge!

-Yes she was. Now she isn't. It was a waste of taxpayer money.

Her daughter is pregnant!

-Yeah, she is. She's not having an abortion and is going to marry the father. She was raised well.

She was for creation being taught in school

-She also said that it wasn't necessary, and could be open to debate at the digression of the class.

She's pro-life! That's anti-women's rights!

-In the opinion of a person who is pro-life, the baby in the womb is no different than the baby in the cradle.

She fired the head trooper to get back at her brother in-law!

-No, she didn't. She talked to the trooper about it because her brother in-law tazed his young son and her nephew. She fired him because he wasn't doing his job well.

Is that the best the media can find? It sure isn't as bad as what was dug up on Obama, but they certainly are making a bigger deal about it...




  1. Why don't you call all of the channels and tell them that Ms. Palin is the most truthful upstanding politician that you know lol and that you would vote for her...and ask them to please stop the bad press because its only an election and all of her actions should not be under publicscrutinyy if she is going to help run our simple country. lol :P

  2. idk who that is

  3. Seems as though you have summed it up pretty well.

    But do not forget that they are still comparing a VP candidate to a Presidential candidate. And they still haven't figured out that difference yet.

  4. Don't forget her association to the AIP.

  5. ?Freedom of the press never said it had to include the truth just opinions and they have a criminal the have to lie about someone who has nothing on her,  

  6. "For it before I was against it..."

    That worked against Kerry.

    Difference is, Kerry actually said it, just like that, and, embarrassingly for him, it was captured on video.

  7. Not even the tip of the glacier.  I've been digging and she has played the system well.  She left her town of 6000 with a $20 million debt, cut funding to young mothers, took millions in earmarks for her hometown, tried to fire a librarian who was against censoring, pushed to have wolves and bears hunted from the air and was hand picked by a group who's founder is a rabid anti-Catholic.

    But she did build a $15 million dollar hockey ring in her town.  She really loves hockey.

  8. If this is the case then why is it stressing the GOP????

    Oh and as for her daughter, it was because Palin is against s*x education and for abstinence that she clearly tried to ram down americans throats

    With her daughter being pregnant it proves abstinence doesn't work!!

    C'mon buddy... do your home work before you defend someone....

    Oh... and you forgot she supports Obama's Energy plan!!!!

  9. That the democrats way. I do it, it's ok. You do it, It's wrong.


  10. Apparently, it's working well, seeing as how some people, such as yourself, are crying about it.

  11. Point one...waste of taxpayer money.  My kind of politician!

    Point two...So what?  That is NORMAL for people her age these days, and happens to many families.  And yes, she is HAVING the baby and being RESPONSIBLE!  Now will the marriage last?  Not sure if THAT'S a good idea, but she's doing very good things.

    Point three...What's so wrong with that?

    Point four...So unborn human beings have no rights to live!?  It's DOUBLE HOMICIDE if a person kills a pregnant woman and they BOTH die!  this country makes sense with that HOW!?  Women should know that they are more respected and held higher when NOT killing innocent children.

    Point five...Ok,  people need to relax.  

    Great question, my hoagie!

  12. isnt that enough or would u like them to find more jees

  13. That's nothing compared to what her fellow conservatives say:

  14. i'm glad she is only going to be the vp

  15. You forgot that she supports hunting and fishing. And she choose odd names for her children.

    Pretty ridiculous.  

  16. this is typical of Ds and Rs to "have" something on the other guy  . vote for me because my opponent sucks worse .they are only good at creating divisive anomosities . its been 100 years since we had other than a D or R (teddy roosevelt was Bull Moose Party).they have both mucked it up badly . its time for real change , im voting Nader .

  17. How about laughing when a cancer survivor is called all kind of dirty words (on tape), thinking the war in Iraq is God's war as well as a $30 billion national gas pipeline in Alaska (on video), being a member of a group with a primary goal of Alaska independence (president of a group referring to Palin as a group member on video), firing Police Chief while she was Major for "feeling he didn't fully support her" (on paper), requesting books to be banned from the library and firing a librarian who refused to do it (on paper again - in this case, librarian ended keeping the job, so I guess the books were banned), having no idea what VPs do (on video)... How much more do you need?

  18. They will continue to make up lies, you know they (libs/demos/media) like to smear women and keep them down!  

  19. No i also heard that she was cruel for putting her daughter in the press for her pregnancy and should step down for the sake of her child... but the people who criticized her for being cruel were the ones making a point of bashing her daughter for being pregnant... so who was being cruel again?

  20. She was caught dropping a tin can in the plastics recyclables bin

  21. It's interesting. When it's "your" candidate, it's easy to forgive the apparent little things, isn't it? And dismiss the concerns of others?

    Ultimately, I don't share her anti-choice, pro-drilling positions. And the fact that she doesn't think global warming is man-made concerns me, too.

    FYI: She also slashed funding for teenage moms in her state but, you know, that's just minor...

  22. you forgot she likes Meth Labs

  23. I have a problem with her

    pro-life stance, her anti-g*y

    marriage stance and that

    she wants to teach creationism

    in PUBLIC school.  

    I believe in Evolution but I

    still believe that neither should

    be taught in public schools.

    Send your child to a private

    school if you want them to be

    taught either.

  24. wow turn on your TV to CNN than tell me who's getting the free ride?

    Obama or Palin?

  25. What is it then that you like so much about Palin.  Even if we grant you all those small indiscretions, as you seem to want so badly for her, why do you think she is the best candidate from all of the Republican citizens of the USA?  It just makes no sense.  Much like the pundits, you have nothing of substance to say about Palin.

    Get real.  

  26. It's kind of like when you spray a hornets nest with bug spray, they all twitch and sting at nothing as they fall to their death.

    These lefties are just clawing, kicking, and screaming because they know they are done!

  27. If they had anything better, they'd share it with us.  I promise.  At least they're not promising to release more in a week.  

    I like Fox News, but when O'Reilly said that he had more on the Jesse Jackson/Obama's testicles saga, and then didn't pony up, it really irritated me.  I say either release it or don't talk about it.

    The problem with Kerry's "for it before I was against it."  as I recall, is that being against it was the wrong answer in the minds of voters.  Voters would much rather leaders change their minds in the right direction.

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