
Is This The Obama Fallacy?

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Obama stood up there Thursday night and spouted many ideas we like ( and some I don't like too) but it's all fluff because in the real world how is he going to do it? Many big things he talks about won't happen because just because he talks about them.

This is the Obama fallacy - voters buying his rhetoric that won't and can't play out - it is being naive. And he has loads of rhetoric, he would end up being a poor President because he is in a worldview that is less-than-real.

I would rather hear McCain sound like he has had a reality check or two and have some common sense for Presidential judgment that is going to be more effective in office.

Your thoughts?




  1. Nope.

    That is your fallacy.

  2. You know the saying "shoot for the moon and clear the fence". I would support a leader who makes idealistic promises and manages to achieve at least some of what he set out to do, over one who aims for mediocrity and delivers.

  3. We were forced to listen to that hick for 8 years and now McCain wants to follow in his footsteps for another 4, why shouldn't we trust Obama to be better than them?  

  4. Your right.  Obama has no substance, no record.  But many people are sheep and believe him because he is so persuasive.  Too many uninformed voters.  Hopefully, many say they will vote for him, may stay home, like young voters usually do.

  5. Part of what you are saying is valid.  The problem in your logic is that it applies to both candidates, neither one of them can be as effective as they say.  That is just how the game is played, in America.

    Mcain just has bad ideas.  For instance.. in the recent state of the stock market.  Do you wish your social security was privatized?

    Do you think that the leader of the America should be singing songs about bombing Iran? see youtube video

    Do you think our president should be a racist? see article below.

    Another interesting note, 1% of the population controls 98% of the money.  And all these people keeps voting the "ruling Class" into office, because they wouldn't know how to behave if they were not told what to think.These are the real sheep, not obabma supporters.  That is just a classic argument of accusing others of what you are.  they don;t realize that the are signing over their money by voting republican.  Mcain does not give a **** about the "issues", he cares about the money. Every smart man knows this.  Keep worrying about abortion and g*y marriage, and I will get your money.  

    "Permit me to issue and control the money of the nation and I care not who makes its laws."  that is quote about what makes the world go round..

  6. You're exactly right! If Obama could actually DO WHAT HE SAYS HE COULD DO, instead of spouting hot air, a lot more people would vote for him.

  7. Think First

  8. Yes great point,all he did at his speech was raise Global Warming,blowing out all that useless rhetoric!

  9. I feel McCain had good logical clear-cut plans---when he speaks you know he is genuine---he doesn't have to select rhetoric to fill in where he has no clue---instead he states his positions clearly without hesitation because he is real-------Sarah Palin also is very pain spoken and very real----she will become a fine vice-president and quite possibly president in  2012

  10. It's political fallacy. Whoever promises the most to the most people wins. No one ever keeps their promises. Once in a while we get a president who actually tries to keep one or two of them though.

  11. He reminds me of a bunch of leaders that ended up causing countless deaths of their people: Chairman Mao, Castro, Hitler, etc.

    All who appealed to the people and were charismatic speakers with great rhetoric.

    But they all were able to blind the people and create the image of perfection within themselves.

    I'm not saying this will happen in this case, since America is a government with loads of checks and balances that will prevent anything like those cases from happening in the US, but perhaps we will be lead down a detrimental path with this kind of leader.

    Obama needs to grasp the real condition of the world today, and how his words are leading America along. He is a great speaker no doubt.

    He could be a great leader.

    But he's got some learning to do.

  12. The dems keep losing because they never give specific ideas that average americans can agree with. They just shout slogans and 'please give us a chance' rhetoric. Now they want us to vote for a man who has less experience than mccains vp?  I dont think so

  13. I completely agree.

  14. Maybe Obama will clear things up in the debates and tell us exactly how he plans to do all these wonderful things. Because, to tell you the truth, I"m a bit confused as to what and how he plans to "change" the country. That is what is slightly swaying me towards McCain.  

  15. I would say that your fallacy is that you fail to point to anything he said but instead make this really broad statement without any kind of specifics.  What specifically are you talking about?

  16. He reminds me of like a student council election candidate where the candidates is DETERMINED to get MORE drinks machines, MORE school dances, and above all, MORE PIZZA DAYS!!!!!

    When they can't

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