
Is This Trade good Portland and Toronto???

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  1. no.

  2. h**l naw...Aldridge has a lot of talent unlike Bargnani that just shoots 3's and always misses them.

  3. LaMarcus Aldridge is the nexrt KG.

    Andrea Bargnani is the next Primoz Brezec who will be playing in Europe  soon, son.

  4. no aldridge is better talent. bargani isnt bad but aldridge is better

  5. raptors dont want to let bargnai go  

  6. nope. aldrige + oden is the new duncan + robinson =) look for the blazers to have a break out season. plus toronto wont need aldridge..they have jermaine o neal. too many big men if they add him cause of garbajosa and bosh too. toronto needs a sg then they'll get on the right track.

  7. you guys are morons, aldridge does NOT suck and he is NOT the next KG. this traded is horrible, aldridge is much better than bargnani.  

  8. they both are terrible  

  9. No cause LM Aldridge is about to become an All-Star and Barganani is no were being an All Star  

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