
Is This Weird? Please Answer ☺?

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i get really upset over little things like

if my bedspread is not even

bottles are not lined up perfectly

my mattress pad not even and tucked in

wobbly shelfs annoy me and i get upset and cry

vaccum streaks, after you vaccum

crumbs on the floor

crumbs that get on my feet after i sweep 20 times in 1 day

cords everywhere

the shower curtain not being even

the showerhead not being straight

brown patches in the yard

and way more

i am 13 and i complpain and i get so sick, and i always think that my house is unorganized and messy when its not i get so upset i start crying and then my mom gets mad and makes me go to my room.

i absolutely HATE clutter so i barely have anything in my room, all i have is a few clothes, stuffed animals, bags, i dont even use my closet i let my mom have it because she moved out of the room and let me have it. so she shares a room with my sister.

when i get money i chose to spend it on baskets for organizing, stuff i need, not want, like i dont buy clothes, electronics, whatever else.

is this weird? i am a 13 year old girl btw




  1. yes it is weird, but everyone is weird in some ways.

    i do the same exact thing.

    i hate when things aren't the way i need them to be.

    it's ocd, or so i would think.

    don't worry about things too much though.

    nothing will ever be perfect, so it shouldn't cause you to cry over it.

    try to remain calm if you see something you don't like.

    i close my eyes and fix it, then back out of the room with my eyes still closed and go back in with them open so it seemed as if it were already that way.

    i wouldn't suggest doing that, but it will help you to not overeact.


  2. Hun, let me assure you that you aren't weird at all.  I'm not a doctor, but from what you described, it sounds like you might have Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD).  This is an anxiety disorder that's characterized by unwanted thoughts such as preoccupation with order, symmetry, organization, fear of germs/getting sick, fear of hurting oneself/others, disturbing images, etc.  Usually, in order to cope with these thoughts, the patient does these repetitive and meaningless rituals which can be very time consuming and interfere with functioning like excessive handwashing due to fear of germs, checking things over and over again such as light switches and stovetops, repeating certain numbers, sorting and organizing things until they are "perfect", alphabetizing things in their room, etc.  Talk to your parents about this and see if you can get counseling.  There are certified counselors out there that offer congnative behavior therapy which is very effective for treating people with OCD.  Good luck.

  3. i dunno. i was gonna chime in with the others who said OCD cuz you are definitely a classic case of it but after watching my son turn 14 and seeing the dramatic change in his personality, i say give it another year or so if you can stand it and see if maybe those behaviors go away.

    otherwise, yes, get help. buying stuff to organize isn't right for a girl your age. you should be buying hannah montana hair accessories and pink fingernail polish  :)

    mom needs to quit getting so mad at you too. it's never the kid's fault. now, you ARE responsible for your behavior to some degree, esp since you're a little older, but if something has happened in your life or environment to bring on this ocd then mom's gonna have to get you into therapy. have a talk with her and see if she responds. if not, ask your school counselor what your options are.

  4. ur 13 go out and see if u can find a job?? that will tired u all day and u won't have energy to get mad at small things like that. Instead u will sleep in tub when u come home. I think u have too much time on ur hands to worry. That is the problem.  

  5. Yes its weird. Actually i shouldn't say weird it sounds like obsessive compulsive disorder. You should speak to your doctor and see about getting a therapist. This sort of stuff can take over your life and make it very difficult.  

  6. ... i think you have OCD

    you can go to a doctor and get pills

    but the pills are unnatural so i wouldn't

    but if your condition is too overwhelming for you then i would

  7. OCD

  8. it is perfectly natural for you to want your space to be really neat. my little sister is 12 and that is what she does to. others might label this as something else such as a phase or a stage. Fact is some people just want to have a very neat space and others have to respect that. So don't feel like your doing something weird your just making sure everything is how you want it to be.

  9. I dont think its weird.. I just think that u r a bit irritated cos Ur efforts are goin in vain.. just try to relax... keep it cool :)

  10. It sounds like you probably have OCD.  Nothing wrong with that. If it's so severe that disorder can cause you to cry, though, you may want to talk to your doctor about treatment options.

  11. If you behave like this at 13, what do you think, you'll do when you are 21. OCD for sure.  Get help fast, before it ruins your life and future. I would not like to be married too a nitpicker! (Like you)   When I get money I spend it on nothing, only foods. (No Take outs)


  12. Its nice to have a neat house thats clean and tidy, and where people feel that they can sit on the floor.  Just dont take it to the extreme of vacuuming the house more than once a day or washing the same dishes more than once, etc.  Then you'd need to see someone.

  13. At first, I might say a very mild case of Obessive Compulsive Disorder, there's nothing wrong with that.

    But... you know what I think it is, you're like me.

    I'm a perfectionist and a massive neat freak.

    I get really stressed and freak out and almost nearly get angry sometimes when things are messy or un-even or not perfect.

    It's just some people's 'quirks' but a lot of people like to pin it down and mis-diagnoise it as OCD.

    Personally, I think it's just our quirk that we like things perfect and in perfect natural order. If it's not, well that's like an athlete not winning a gold medal... It's not good enough for me.

  14. ur a weird.... but i wouldn't mind have u clean my house ;)

  15. You may have OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) if this keeps bugging you, go to the doctor and get checked out

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