
Is This What We Lowered our Selves To?

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Sarah Palin's Daughter being pregnant, John Edwards adultery, Barack Obama's Coke snorting and John McCain's infidelity?

A plague on both your houses, I'm hoping for a military take over in 2008




  1. In another frame of mind, I'd agree with you.

  2. i guess it just goes to show that no one is perfect and you should just go w/ what is most in line w/ your beliefs,

    mccain/palin '08

  3. Yes, it must be nice to be perfect, like all of the Obama supporters. My experience about bad mouthing someones pregnant daughter is, what goes around comes around. And half if not more of these people, will also have to face the challenge of having a pregnant teenager.

  4. Welcome to America! I'm guessing you are a perfect angel and so are all the members in your family.

    Personally, politicans are a joke nowadays. Can't we just hire actors to play them instead and then TMZ can show us what "fakes" all of the politicians really are.

  5. Politicians on both sides have been lowering themselves for a very long time. As have the American people.

    So what's new?

  6. The military where all the female officer candidates get sexually harrassed or raped?  (and most of the guys are all chasing each other around too?)

  7. Party ideology has taken over logic and objectivity.  Both sidees would vote for a caveman if he had a (D) or (R) following their name.  Pity.

  8. oh, yeah, a military takeover.  That would work.  Look all over the world at other countries who have that and see what happened.

  9. It goes to prove one thing--we are all human, we all make mistakes.  Noone is perfect.   ***

  10. and you see I'm hoping for a ron paul revolution

  11. I understand your frustration, however military coups do not have a good history of improving things.

    I think we'll find that Republicans have fewer problems Palin's daughter than the Democrats had with Edward's adultery.  The primary problem Edwards has is that he didn't win.

  12. The military industrialist complex does run our country already.  As long as they keep us distracted by scandal they are free to do what they want.

    I believe President Eisenhower  warned us about this.

  13. Yes it is....

    Fling mud long enough, and one is sure to get dirty eventually..

    Be careful what you wish for, you may get it...

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