
Is This a Monarch/Horus deck?

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1x Razia

1x Thestalos

1x Foolish Burial

1x Pot of Ava

1x Caius

1x Brain

2x Horus lvl6

1x Sangan

2x Sakuretsu

2x Mobius

3x Hydroged

1x ScapeGoat

1x Soul Exchange

1x Permature Burial

1x Treeborn Frog

1x Horus lvl4

3x Familar Possess

1x Spirit Reaper

1x Grand.M

1x L.Vortex

1x Horus lvl8

2x Trap Hole

2x R.Decree

1x D.d.Assailant

1x Sword of light

1x Exiled

1x Mystical S.typhoon

1x Fissure

1x Enemy Controller

1x Heavy Storm

>.< Any advice people?




  1. the best monarch decks tend to revolve around macro decks, removing your opponents cards, devastating their strategies, while helping yours, using cards like DD survivor and scout planes, so if your opponent destroys them, they get removed if you have banisher of light or banisher of radiance, or macro cosmos or dimension fissure, and theyre special summoned at the end of the turn, making a guarenteed tribute for your monarchs to wipe their cards from play.

    try this:

    Monsters: 20

    3 Caius the Shadow Monarch

    2 Mobius the Frost Monarch

    1 Raiza the Storm Monarch

    1 Cyber Dragon

    3 D.D. Survivor

    2 Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer

    2 D.D. Assailant

    1 D.D. Warrior Lady

    1 Snipe Hunter

    1 Exiled Force

    2 D.D. Scout PLane

    1 Morphing Jar

    Spells: 12

    3 Dimensional Fissure

    2 Reinforcement of the Army

    1 Lightning Vortex

    1 Mystical Space Typhoon

    1 D.D.R. - Different Dimension Reincarnation

    1 Brain Control

    1 Soul Exchange

    2 Enemy Controller

    Traps: 8

    2 Macro Cosmos

    1 Return from the Different Dimension

    1 Mirror Force

    1 Torrential Tribute

    1 Trap Dustshoot

    2 Bottomless Trap Hole

    i hate facing these decks, theyre so d**n strong, youll love it. its ur call if you wanna include horus, but i personaly wouldnt recommend him, but if you like him, what the h**l, why not, hes a cool card.

  2. Is this Yu-gi-oh?! Ok, i get it if u r like 11-12 years old or younger, but any older sell them on ebay.

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