
Is This a good drawing by an 11 yr old???

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My friend drew this pic of some random guy she is 11 is this a good drawing for her age? It took about an hour




  1. yeah thats really good for being 11 and only taking an hour to do. keep it up!

  2. that is amazing its so good encouage his or her talent it is vvvv good

  3. Yes, it is a great drawing for her age, I would encourage her as a friend to continue the good work.

    Someday this may lead into a life time career if she enjoys it.

  4. yes it looks more like a 15 yr old had drawn it

  5. yosi yo yo

  6. Omg thats amazing

  7. she is good enough to take an art class

  8. It's good, at least top end of here age range, encourage her to continue drawing stuff.

  9. honestly..i know i could never draw like taht and iam 13......eventhoidont liek it taht much yea i wud say its gud

  10. That is amazing for an 11 year old! You should really talk about investing in some art classes for her, but don't push because she has a defiante talent.

  11. I am almost 13, and I can't draw like that. That picture is amazing. The use of color is spectacular, and the drawing technique is excellent. I just have 1 question: Is the coloring done with pastels, well is it is she must have worked very hard. Also, the dept of emotion is beyond her age. She must be quite an intelligent person!

    U might want to  talk to her about her talent and see how she feels about it. And mayB ask her if she wants to take  her art a step further by entering contests or even just taking some art classes to improve her wonderful talent. But don't push her to much, if u do she'll feel pressured to do well, and probably won't do as well as be4.

    But remember this is a hobby she should have fun with it. It shouldn't be what shes all about. You never know she could be the next Van go, but without the major depression, lol. Tell her ur proud of her and to keep up the beautiful work!

    Hope this helped!!!


  12. I would have thought it was nice for an older child even. Interesting use of color. And there seems to be emotion.

  13. ya that was really good for an 11 year old! Tell who ever it is i said way to go! Keep the good work up!

  14. Yeah, that is amazing especially b/c she did it in an hour. It actually looks like a high schooler drew that. Seriously.

  15. that is pretty good you might want to think about her artistic future.

  16. HECK YEA ITS A WONDERFUL DRAWING 4 AN 11 YEAR OLD  I DONT CARE HOW LONG IT TOOK IT STILL LOOKS 4 NEAT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

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