
Is This is the last round for Israel for lasting peace?

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The world is getting tried from the Israeli occupation polices and why should the world pay for the Israeli occupation and Israeli wars, economically, politically and world security..




  1. The shoe is on the other foot, It's the Arabs last round,  wake up, Arabs are preventing peace from happening not Israel.

    The world with 2 billion Arabs nagging at his back has not lost his mind yet, if it wasn't for oil, well you know.

  2. Israel will never achive peace because it doesn't want peace.

  3. The world is getting tired of palestinian arab expression of self identity by terror and murder.

    The lasting peace will happen when Israel finally gets a leader who will clean up after Rabin, Arafat, Peres, Abbas, Hamas, Netaniahu, Barak, Sharon, and Olmert. A leader who will not be scared of the "public opinion". A leader who will truly care for his people, and not his butt or his personal public image.

    When majority of today's Judea and Samaria Arabs, as well as today's Israeli Arabs will live in Jordan, there will be peace.

  4. No,peace will come when enough people on both sides grow tired of hating their fellow human beings.

  5. Yes. Fifteen years of negotiations have achieved nothing. One does not go on forever with this. There has been enough twaddle about alleged road-maps and supposed peace processes. The bottom line is: for the Palestinians to survive as a people they need a homeland,the WB is the only option and the zionists don't have to do anything but leave,period,nothing to discuss. It is not their territory,legally or morally. They have made it extremely obvious that they have no intention of going willingly so that inevitably means one road and one only and that is civil war. And they will not win. They will for a long time,they will have a whole string of easy victories,but in the end they will lose. God rewards the righteous.

  6. After 60 years, people have got to be pretty tired by now. And if not, if this peace process fails, I have the feeling there is going to be a very big boom. On all accounts. Let's pray that this is the beginning of the end. Peace!

  7. Pretty much. The Gaza is ready to expode. The build-up of tension is very extreme. In the WB everyone has just given up on negotiation; it accomplished nothing. At this point a lasting peace would have to be on the terms of peace through victory; i.e. a successful war of indepedence. The zionist bit is an anachronism and should be dismantled and relegated to the past.

  8. No, it is last round for Hamas as I believe they are cornered.  They showed their true colors what they could do with Gaza which was nothing but continued violence, there's nothing left now for them but peace.

    We pay for Israel to defend herself. Peace is priceless. (my new slogan :)) World security depends on eradicating Arab and Islamic Extremism.  Israel needs it AND we need it to be peacable in our own countries.

    We've all seen the violence from Arab and Islamic extremism that attacks Israel daily. There have already been terrorist attacks all over world. I don't know how many people are aware of what its plans are besides just conquering  Israel.

    To conquer Europe and Beyond:

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