
Is This <span title="Normal???????????????????????????????????">Normal???????????????????...</span>

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I'm 10 yrs old, 5'3 and 215 lbs is that normal lol




  1. By definition, obese means being 20 percent or more above one&#039;s ideal weight.  A person with an ideal weight of 120 pounds would be obese at 144 pounds or more.

    How Do I Calculate My Ideal Weight?

    For a man&#039;s ideal weight - allow 100 pounds for 5&#039; of height.  Then add 6 pounds for each additional inch of height.  The ideal weight of a 5&#039; 10&quot; man would be 160 pounds.  

    For a woman&#039;s ideal weight - allow 106 pounds for 5&#039; of height.  Then add 5 pounds for each additional inch of height.  The ideal weight of a 5&#039; 5&quot; woman would be 131 pounds.  

    So you should only weighed at 118 lbs.  

    at 215 lbs it&#039;s called -morbid obesity.  Which is basically centrally located.  At your very young age, to be 215 lbs is overweight.  Obeity can lead to a lot of problems- from dabetes, hypertension and cardiovascular diseases.  

  2. It depends on if you are fat or have muscle.

  3. h**l no....thats not healthy at all. My 10 year old brother weights 95 pounds

  4. Like somebody else said, it depends if it&#039;s fat or muscle... if it&#039;s fat you&#039;re at the right age to lose weight easily (it&#039;s when you get old like me that it&#039;s hard, LOL).  Ask your parents to help you, and get outside with your friends.

  5. That reminds me of a joke i read

    &quot;Yo mamas so fat that when i tried to drive around her i ran out of gasoline&quot; lol

    Ok in all seriousness do you feel normal? If you do then who cares what anyone says, if not then exercise e.g. go out and play football or something and eat healthily. Also tell whoever you live with to stop buying c**p food  

  6. Turning off the xbox was a very good suggestion. Your rude response leads me to believe that not only do you have too much fat on your body, it is also accumulating at dangerous levels between your ears.

  7. No.  Turn off the XBox and get outside!

  8. uh, no this is not fine.

    or normal

  9. Heck, yeah. A BMI of 38.1, while morbidly obese, is fine.

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