
Is Thunderbird or Outlook a better email client?

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I don't need journals and all that jazz and I am using an ISP (iinet)

I will not even think of giving you the best answer if you don't give a reason so give one please




  1. if you are talking about outlook express then thunderbird is hands down a better email client. If you are talking Outlook that comes with msoffice, its got considerably more features than thunderbird.,

    Its a matter of personal taste.

    The advantage with thunderbird is that its small and fast compared to outlook, and any features you want to add can be inserted using add-ons.

    Outlook is big and heavy and slow, but its got everything you could possibly need form the outset.

    I have both but prefer thunderbird with lightning add-on, just because I like progams that are fast and light and it does all I need it to.

    For work, though, I would use Outlook because I need all the scheduling stuff that comes with it.  

  2. Personally, I use Thunderbird because I like the similarities between it and Firefox, but since I also started using a smart phone, I find it much harder (near impossible) to link my emails and phone together. If I had the option to start over from the beginning, I would use Outlook (not to be confused with Outlook Express, which should be avoided due to its security issues)

    edit: also wanted to mention the outlook-iphone integration as well. Outlook is currently much easier to link with outside sources, even apple products.

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