
Is Tiger Woods' mental toughness and ability to hit clutch shots an innate quality that he was born with?

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or is it something he has developed through intense mental training.

He keeps coming up with big shots and big putts under intense pressure,

that you have to wonder whether he possesses some mystical ability

to will things to happen.

I once read that Tiger's dad knew that Tiger had "it" when he competed

against a young Tiger in a putting contest. Tiger didn't want

to leave the putting green until he beat his dad. He said that

Tiger had an intense focus even at a very young age before all the

mental toughness training.




  1. Remember his Dad was a member of an elite military unit that was trained to withstand torture and psychological stress to the extreme.Remember that Earl Woods was d**n good at soldiering and teaching that discipline.

    My theory is that he built the basic strength and then hired the best golf teachers to build on that.I think that because of his Dad, Tigers body will fail before his mental strength.

  2. i dont know if you ever seen in old footage of when tiger was younger. interviews with he and is his father earl. tiger would say his dad would take a bucket of balls and just toss them everywhere around the course and have him play shots from there, in the grass, rough, behind trees, everywhere. tiger even said his dad told him to think his way around the course. so im guessing u revert to situations like that when you were younger and you use your imagination and creativity.

  3. That mental toughness and ability came through intensive training and a devoted work ethic. Some people have a unique ability to more easily comprehend and adopt those characteristics but it doesn't fall out of the sky and land in your lap. You must be dedicated.

  4. He and a lot of other people were born with it.  I do not believe it is something you develop but rather something that is lost.  Our society puts more emphasis on getting along with others and group goals than on individuality.  He was able to keep his toughness while still acting like a very civilized fellow.

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