
Is Tiger Woods the Modern modern day Michael Jordan?

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Is Tiger Woods the Modern modern day Michael Jordan?




  1. Tiger Woods = Golf

    Michael Jordan = Basketball

    Tiger Woods is the greatest golfer of todays golf and may be better then Nicklaus, Palmer, Hogan or Player

  2. Tiger Woods is the "Michael Jordon"of golf.

    He's the best and always will be

  3. Beethoven is a better comparison. Bill Russell was more dominant in Basketball than Michael. When Tiger is through nobody will even come close to him. He is like Beethoven, a child prodigy !!

  4. Tiger is not human. This guy will go down in history as the best athlete ever. He will also go down as the highest paid athlete this guy is a billionaire. Amazing.

  5. Tiger is actually more dominant a player, in his sport, than MJ was in his.  Tiger could arguably be called the most dominant sports figure in American history.  Babe Ruth would also have to be considered.

  6. Tiger Woods is definitely the Micheal Jordan of Golf. Two different sports, but two fantastic athletes, both dedicated to their success!

    56 day trial users needed to improve their golf game:

  7. i don't understand why Michael Jordan is even considered, he doesn't have the stats to be considered as the greatest athlete. it goes Wayne Gretzky then tiger, these sports also have the most skill involved

  8. No he plays golf not basketball, Tiger is the modern day Jack Nickaluas, Arnold Palmer, and Ben Hogan rolled into one.

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