
Is Tiger Woods the best golfer that their ever will be?

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  1. No, but for the time being he is the best.

  2. lol nice Adam scott has won 5 pga tour events and tiger has 64 even if adam wins this tomorow he still is pathetic..ya his swing looks nice but results and oh ya tigers swing woops his *** just about every time he tees it up lol funny comment.

  3. Great question sir! That is a very good example question that will most likely never be asked in a while. Good thinking! Anyway, that would be an opinion question. There are many "good" golfers and considering which one is the best is indeed your opinion. But Tiger Woods is amazingly talented and has a long career ahead of him! He indeed will be history (even though he is already)!!! I believe that if there ever is another like him...It'll be a long long long while! Peace out and I'll pray that I have best answer!

  4. Yeah he sure is.

  5. No. That would be pretty pathetic if today's player is the best that will ever be.

    Besides golf equipment changes and will give tomorrows players added advantages that today's players don't have.

  6. no, he'll be the best till i kick his butt in couple years

  7. No, the best is Ángel Cabrera.

  8. No, but he's probably the best golfer our generation will see.

  9. No there is always someone better round the corner.

  10. Adam Scott will surpass him in the next couple years. Mark my words.

  11. I believe so, and he has such a great Ora about him.  his parents raised him well does alot for people great guy! what a smile too :)

  12. At 33 he's equaled and exceeded records of some the greatest golfers of the last century.

    He's got another 12-15 years of good golf left if he choose to stay in the game.

    Lets give him another 10 years to see what sort of record he sets for the next generation.

    Best golfer ever?

    More than likely

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