
Is Tiger Woods the greatest Asian golfer to ever live?

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The guy is so dominant and he will surely hold the record for number of career wins when he finishes playing.




  1. woods is:  one-quarter Chinese, one-quarter Thai, one-quarter African American, one-eighth Native American, and one-eighth Dutch.

    are you asian, and is that why you want him to be asian?

    your question seem like a leading question. what "asian" golfer do you see as his competition for greatest golfer?

    but again, what other asian golfer is even in the running for "greatest ever"? who even comes close? please answer this question and i'll tell you what i think. all of this, assuming that #1 he's considered asian at all. every golf authority i read tends to imply that he's black.

    ok, woods, choi and singh. i'd say that singh is the greatest asian golfer ever. do you agree?

  2. I love that old clip of him on 'The Tonight Show with Johnny Carson' putting when he was 3 years old.

  3. I am asian, and I would've loved it if I could call Tiger Asian, alas he is "not" Asian.  I believe boxing him into Asian, or black, or caucasian, or whatever, belittles his personality and accomplishments.  He transcends all races and ethnicities, he does not fit anyone stereotypes, he is universal.

    He himself would get mad if people call him black, or asian, or anything, he just wants to be known as Tiger, full stop.

  4. yea bcuz he has so many golf trophies and wins and he's the only asian golfer i've heard of.

  5. So far, correct.

  6. You stirred the pot, didn't you ???

    You are correct however... between his mom and his dad, Tiger is more Asian than any other ethnic group.

    Will he be the greatest golfer of all time? Quite possibly.

    Is he there now? Not quite.

    I have him behind Jack Nicklaus and Ben Hogan.

  7. I think Tiger Woods is already the best golfer in the world and will be recognised as the best of all time...

  8. I believe he considers himself an American since he was born and raised here.

  9. He is the best golfer ever. Nobody of any race is even close. The Spurs suck!

  10. umm yes, by the end of his career he will be the best golfer ever of any race

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