
Is Tiger Woods using steroids?

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Last year i saw him and he was skinny and now he's a lot buffer this year do you think he's using steroids?




  1. idk

  2. Steroids would have no positive effect on golf. The swing speed is the only possible advantage and Tiger's has always been very fast and increasing it through steroid enhancement would lead to wildness and not add much to distance and probably greatly affect the line.  So the answer is no.

  3. Probably (most athletes do in some capacity). But he wasn't skinny last year. I would say Tiger has been weight training for at least 6 years looking at footage over the years.

  4. Well, see what crawls out of the woodwork when things change. You sometimes wonder if the questioner is on steroids for it tends to soften the brain. Questions like this are a definite sign of immaturity.

  5. Last year you probably saw his reruns.  He gradually developed the muscle over period of 10 years, that's plenty of time to develop that kind of body.  He works out everyday, gets up at 4 am, run, weight lift, speed training, etc.  That's what pro athletes do to condition their body.

  6. HAHAHAHA Steroids for GOLF lol. but seriously. i think since he wasn't able to swing a club he said why not work on power? and maybe he started lifting weights. (during his knee injury)

  7. No;just working out more. He's the best player in the world he doesn't need steriods,some of his fellow golfers might need to ; he doesn't.

  8. no proabally a suplement of some kind but not steroids that would hurt his and any one elses.

  9. Body size is not a proper guideline to accuse people of using steroids.  People here just assumed that Barry Bonds suddenly "grew" because of that, but he was just "big" and not built or "cut" like a Mr. Universe.  People tend to also gain weight and look like they went big due to water retention and a slower metabolism when getting older.

    I would think Tiger Woods is only taking steroids by prescription or during treatment because his type of injury tends to make joints and surrounding tissue swell and steroids inhibit that so that recovery is quick.

    I'm sick of people blaming these hard working athletes of using or abusing steroids when nobody even has solid proof.

  10. I seriously don't think so, as a former powerlifter (now there's a sport with heavy steroid use), I have seen a lot of steriod use and he isn't showing any of the common side effects related to steriods. The biggest negative is that they tend to make you over aggressive in termperament - which is something you cannot be if you are trying to play a game as mentally challenging as golf. Along with that is that he does not show the bulky musculature that steriods encourages and no acne - then of course theirs the *****-**** as well ... and I think he is a bit too smart to take something that will shorten his lifespan significantly.

    You decide.

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