
Is Tijuana still safe?

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I am planning to go to TJ with my girlfriend and her parents. My girlfriends parents are both from TJ and they have a house there. But I have heard of recent kidnappings, just wondering if I have anytthing to worry about.




  1. If you're going with locals that aren't involved in the drug trade then go. If your girlfriend and parents are sketchy business people or have been involved with the mafia they are likely targets since these kinds of people have been their main targets. So go and have a good time, just don't get involved in fights with coked up-boot wearing-insecure-tinted window truck driving idiots.

  2. TJ has never been safe, especially if you don't speak spanish...but it's no worse that it was before.  It's been the same way for years.

  3. A trip to Tijuana Mexico can be a great time for everyone if you bear in mind that Tijuana Mexico is the busiest border crossing in the world, and a party crowd that big is bound to have its share of rabble rouses.

    You will find the Tijuana Police Officers to be very friendly and helpful. But they do have a job to do, so here are a few tips to make sure that your visit to Tijuana is pleasant and safe.

  4. viva mexico

  5. Not any more dangerous than Paris or Rome. Tijuana is  major, busy city. Just behave yourself and you'll be fine. Have fun.

  6. Look... there is violence, kidnappings, and crime in Tijuana, BUT TOURISTS ARE NOT THE TARGET!!!

    There is a war between officials, organized crime, and between drug cartels....  but if you don't mess with people you don't know, there is not going to be any problem.

    There is violence in every country... don't forget Colombine and Virginia.

    Try not to get wasted in Ave. Revolucion and provoke the corrupt cops...   if a cop stops you, you have rights... no matter how loud they can be.  Ask ASk ASK!!!  Most of the time they just pull you over for nothing because they want money, if they see you're not scared, they'll go away...

    Now cops are being watched anyways... they wont risk stopping a car with CA license.

    Go to the nicer areas... go to the restaurant district (Saverios, Cheripan, La Diferencia, La Querencia, Chans, Negai, La Espadaña... the best restaurants in the city)  there is also bars and pubs... cops will not even stop you there... it is known as the "safe area".


  7. Come to Tijuana , keep yourself alert, do basic things to be safe

    Yes you have to worry if you came to Tijuana to visit us as you have to worry if you live in USA

    Land of the free and home of the brave. And you'd better be damned brave here, because

    people are free to do pretty much anything they like :

    Kids in schools armed like sicarios

    People beaten to the death and recorded on video (by police , gangs or teens)

    A tank, flattens some cars on streets

    Football player as drug dealers , assassins and rappist

    In Mexico dont kill presidents

    Every 5 minutes a rape in USA

    Just to mention a few

  8. Tijuana has never been safe. It is a city-wide red light district. However, one can have an awesome time. You just have to be careful with where you go and with whom you talk. I've been there at least a half dozen times within the last couple of years with my family. AND I'M 17. Last year I went down there BY MYSELF and no problem.

  9. I pretty much agree with Argentinito's answer. You have to keep crime/violence in perspective. The U.S. is just as violent as Mexico, for example. Just treat it the same and use common sense as you would for any place. Go ahead and have a good time.

  10. You have a lot to worry about!

    My advice is do not even go down there because it is simple none too safe.

    As a prior person said TJ has never been safe and it is worse than ever these days.

    If something happens the police will NOT help you and in fact the police are just as big of a problem as the criminals themselves.

    Mexico is an extremly corrupt 3rd world country so expect to get a shake down or worse. The police are just as likley to shake you down as anyone else.

    I would say don't go there and just have yourself a good time in San Diego.

  11. I am an American and have lived in Tijuana for 8 years. The kidnappings for the most part are drug related and it is very safe. I've never encountered a problem and have many friends that visit from San Diego and Los Angeles. new administration has taken over and there are more police on the street and in Rosarito they even have a Tourist task force to help you in any situation you may encounter. I am new to this forum but if your able to email me feel free if you have any other questions.
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