
Is Time man made? Or has some concept of time always existed?

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Is Time man made? Or has some concept of time always existed?




  1. god created everything in 6 days---what do you think?

  2. concept has ALWAYS existed

  3. Scientifically, time has existed since shortly after the big bang... but scientists are beginning to find that 'before' the big bang space-time breaks down... This raises all sorts of interesting questions.  Like: can something have a cause-effect relationship without time?  Can we actually say the universe has a cause if causality itself has no meaning at the beginning?

    ...That being said, I think time would exist independent of any sort of observer, but it would mean nothing.  Time exists independent of man, the idea and meaning of time do not.

  4. The concept of time has always existed. Daytime and nightime has always been around. A natural time to sleep and to hunt etc.That is the way the earth was made.

  5. Time is man acknowledged.

  6. Time is made up of motion and distance. Both of these are illusions because the physical world is not doesn't last. Only the formless, which has made up form, is real. It lasts forever but forever isn't a long time, it just is.

  7. some concept of time has always existed.

    whether they thought of "time"

    as day and night,

    or winter summer fall and spring.

  8. When God created the earth He made night and day, and  the seasons.  So God created time for man.

  9. time is not man made but a concept of time is man made

  10. It has always exixisted. interesting question!

  11. time is a reference humans have labeled an intangible cognitive idea. although the experience of time can be manipulated, time itself cannot, as it is always moving in one direction.

    sense time is infinite, it can be said that it has always and always will exist, but because it is merely a measurement, it can just as easily be said it does not. its like asking, how long has a meter existed? technically it's only existed since the roman times. but even empty space could be measured in meters at any given point in time.

  12. Time is made up.  In some small cultures they don't even have words for past or future.  There is only now.  Time itself, such as "one second," "one minute," "one hour," "one day," etc. are completely man made.  It cannot be grasped and although a person who concentrates very hard can probably estimate a small amount of seconds, a few minutes or possibly even the passing of an hour, it is not real.  For instance, we go through life and say "time flies when you're having fun."  Time changes for each person.  Time is not constant to the mind.  It might be constant for our bodies, but in that there is a disconnect.  For what matters more, body or mind?  Is the soul more important?  Then is time a matter of the body or mind?  Or is there a dual wheel spinning one for mind and one for body, the mind with control of its own and the body without control?

    In addition, drugs can increase time and although our bodies move normally, the length of time that is seemed to have passed is increased to near infinite amounts.  One could stare down a clock and watch the second hand not move for an hour (or what our mind conceived as an hour or more).  

    Time in terms of a clock itself is not only unreal, but unhealthy.  Natural time (tide moving in and out, the wax and wane of the moon, sunrise and set, etc) is normal, but cannot actually be made to fit a clock anyway.

  13. time has always existed, that is life and the planet have always evolved and seasons have progressed and such,  it is man who decided to label/measure/break it into units our finite minds could more readily comprehend

  14. it has alwys existed

  15. the concept has always existed yet time itself does not.. it is all in the mind.

  16. You have an internal clock.  many experiments and studies have been conducted.  so, one possible answer to your question is; it (time) is hard wired into us.

  17. lets us be simple.   if you look around there is movement. there is aging.   we use the idea of time to explain movement and aging.  it is a secondary idea.   what is real is that all things animate or animate grow old.   the very earth we live on is growing old.   the end will come one day.  surely man did not create aging?

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