
Is Tommy Heinsohn Bill Russells scottie Pippen?

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Tommy Heinsohn arrived on the Celtics the same time as Bill did. So you can say Bill would not of WON HIS FIRST 8 RINGS WITHOUT HEINSOHN. And bill lost his 2nd trip to the finals. When KC jones joind the team they rattled off 8 in a row.




  1. LOL you must be a Laker fan.

    i feel sorry for Wilt Chamberlain.

  2. To clear some things:

    The St. Louis Hawks was only able to defeat the Celtics in the 1958 Finals because the main man, Bill Russell suffered a knee injury in the Finals series (in Game 3, i think ). Russell was the MVP during that year, his first, and the Celtics was heavily favored to win if not for that injury.

    I've said this once and i'll say it again, KC Jones was drafted in 1956 like Russell and Heinsohn but he only started to play during 1958-59 season because of his 2 year Army service. He wasnt there for Russell's first ring and neither was he of importance the next few years after since he was a bench player and Cousy was manning the point.

    Heinsohn retired after the 1965 season. He wasnt in the lineup for the 1966 season when Russell lead the team to its eight-peat and its ninth title in ten years.

    Also did i mention that either of the two werent there when Russell PLAYERcoached the Celtics to two more championships in '68 and '69?

  3. No one has won 11 Ring's Except Russel .. so that means he can do with out one player to carry him ( Like Pippen did )

    That means he can do it w/o any of those players

    Russel won 3 more Rings w/o Tommy

    Michael won 0 Rings w/o Pippen

    You can't say about Russel that he can't win Championship w/o ( Insert Name ) ... like you would say about Michael Jordan

    Michael Jordan can't have winning season w/o Pippen .. let alone Championship



    And your point is ?

    Thing is Bill Russel can WIN w/o certain player .. Michael Jordan can't


    If you gonna say Bill Russel 's first 8 Rings is overrated .. then Michael Jordan's all 6 rings are OVERRATED

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