
Is Toronto's Acquiring Hollweg a Good or Bad Idea?

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I know toronto is on the decline but does anyone think adding hollweg is going to help turn around the maple leafs?




  1. I can tell you he won't help them get to the playoffs.  He might help to beat the c**p out of other players, but he does nothing to help the Leafs win.  Unless he magically gets talent this offseason.  I am not a Leafs fan, but if I was I would be severly pissed.  What a horrible signing.  They show Sundin the door, most likely to go with youth... then get rid of Wellwood, and acquire Hollweg.  What a worthless team.

  2. "The first overall pick goes to the Toronto Maple Leafs who choose Jonathon Tavares"'ll help in the long run.

  3. Maybe he can show the rest of the team how to grow a bad "p**n star" moustache.  What a clown.

  4. no hollweg will not help the leafs turn around. sometimes watching him play i don't even think he belongs in the league. yea he will hit people and fight but that doesn't mean he is good at it. usually when he tries to lay a big hit on someone he misses or it is a dirty hit and he can't really fight. he can't skate, scored like two goals last season. i am glad the rangers got rid of him. i really don't think it will do anything for the leafs

  5. Hollweg is a franchise player, and with the leafs aquisition of him, they are a playoff teams before.

  6. Holwegg is an awful no skilled player, who takes tons of penalties to hurt your team at the worst time.

  7. Hollweg = Tucker's replacement = Domi's replacement. RH is nothing more than the obligatory goon TO always has on their roster (although at least Tucker had a bit of offensive upside).

    He doesn't make them better, and likely makes them worse since he takes up cap space and roster space that could be given to a player with actual talent.

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