
Is Trainer Red from pokemon, Ash Ketchum?

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Is Trainer Red from pokemon, Ash Ketchum? The guy in Mt. Silver in pokemon silver/gold and crystal. And is pokemon trainer Blue that you find on the islands, Gary?




  1. Yea, it is Ash. If you go to Pallet Town and talk to his mom she says somethign like" My son has been out for ages,wher are you red?" It's of course  Ash.

  2. yes they are who you say they are. its kinda obvious isnt it look at there pokemon a pickachu duh lol im not judging you

  3. nope that is defs ash because he has a pickachu , snorlax , espeon , charizard , venesaur , blastiose (his fav pokemonz)

    so to answer your question yes it defs is ash

    yes it is gary it is soo easily gary

  4. yes, in pokemon gold, silver, and crystal, red is ash. if you want to prove it, the sprite ash is the same as the one in pokemon red. they both look the same. and, in pallet town, his mom said that red has been gone for too long or something like that. and yse, blue is gary. blue does look like gary, and he did came from pallet town.

  5. Oops, i thought you meant FIRE red, in that case yes thay are ash, i don't think its gary in silver/gold and Blue.

  6. yea.

    if you need more info go

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