
Is Transnistria a country?

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Is Transnistria a country?




  1. no

  2. no its a region on the teritory of Moldova

  3. try

  4. Hi....nice curious question ...!!

    Well,....not fully a country,....Transnistria is a breakaway republic within the internationally recognised borders of Moldova.

    Thanx.....Good Luck...!!

    See the map :

  5. Transnistria is located mostly in a strip between the Dniester River and Ukraine. After the dissolution of the USSR, Transnistria declared independence leading to the war with Moldova that started in March 1992 and was concluded by the ceasefire of July 1992. As part of that agreement, a three-party (Russia, Moldova, PMR) Joint Control Commission supervises the security arrangements in the demilitarized zone, comprising 20 localities on both sides of the river. Although the ceasefire has held, the territory's political status remains unresolved, and Transnistria has been de facto independent since that time.

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