
Is Trevor not anwer any more questions becasue he realized global warming is a scam?

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Is Trevor not anwer any more questions becasue he realized global warming is a scam?




  1. Psst, I'm here in disguise!  What do you think?

  2. It is amazing to me that there are people who despite all the signs given, either through scientific data or by mother earth herself, they still refuse to take ownership of their own destructive ways.  Global Warming is not a myth, scam or anything else. Would you say the same thing about Cancer? Aids? Heart Disease?  I hope that the masses out there who still refuse to own up to their destructive ways (polluting, over use of natural resources, excessive consumersims...and all other selfish acts that have created the illness our planet is experienceing...AKA Global Warming) will wake up before it is too late and start taking responsibility for their own actions.  

    Here is another thought- what does it hurt to do the right thing by reducing, reusing, recycling?  What does it hurt to be more aware of your own actions and see that living simply allows others to simply live?

  3. I  bet I know how he feels

    I have basically stopped asking and answering Q's here

    Its so unlike the real world its hardly worth the effort, Its like lord of the rings in here- overrun by trolls.

    I think he left due to the futility of trying to argue with certain elements here .

  4. Global Warming is not a scam.

  5. Maybe he got feed up with answering the same questions over and over again.

  6. Doubtful. He probably stopped answering questions because  he got tired of answering the same questions over and over, or he has better things to do (he is an actively researching climate scientist, after all).

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