
Is Tuesdays with Morrie a **** book?

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  1. I will be honest, i've never read tuesday with morrie. But i have read one of his other books called the 5 people you meet in heaven. Awful! Badly written, poor characters and its supposed to be a great read which makes no sense to me. One thing i will say is that its an original story. Anyway in answer to your question, i don't know!

  2. Personally, I hated it. Everyone told me "it's gonna change your life!" and it ended up annoying me. The pieces of advice contradict the h**l out of each other. Like in one chapter, you learn about "not planning things so much, but to live in the moment instead" then two chapters later, you get preached at about how important it is to "plan as much as you can". I didn't like it at all.

  3. Yes! I think it's Mitch Albom's best book for sure. It's very sad but moving at the same time. I would definitely at least check it out from the library.

  4. yeah I recommend you read 'the five people you meet when you get to heaven' too by the same auther. Both are short books readable in a week or so.

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