
Is Turkey a European or Asian country?

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I dunno I always assumed they were part of Europe but then when I was looking up something on wikipedia they were listed under Asian countries.




  1. Turkey, officially the Republic of Turkey (Turkish Türkiye Cumhuriyeti), a nation in western Asia and southeastern Europe. The vast majority of Turkey is composed of the Asian territory of Anatolia, or Asia Minor, a large mountainous peninsula. The capital city, Ankara, is located there. The rest of Turkey, called Eastern (or Turkish) Thrace, occupies the far southeastern part of Europe. This region of rolling fertile hills is home to İstanbul, Turkey’s largest city. Asian Turkey and European Turkey are separated by three connected waterways of great strategic importance: the Sea of Marmara and the straits of the Bosporus and the Dardanelles (also called the Turkish Straits). Together, they form the only water route between the Black Sea and the Aegean Sea, an arm of the Mediterranean Sea.

    About 90 percent of the population lives in the Asian part of Turkey and about 10 percent lives in the European part.

    It is part of Asian continent.

  2. Like Russia, it is in both Europe and Asia, and like Russia, most of it is in Asia.

    Istanbul, the capital, is the only city to be on two continents.  

    Historically, Turkey has links to 'Europe' in that it used to be called Constantinople, being part of the christian world.

  3. Turky is a country in Asia,that is why geographically the region is called Asia Minor;the people ,Turks,come from Central Asia,an aeria called Turkestan;they are definately non

    Europeans,they share no European values and have been the greatest enemies of Europe for many centuries;Greece (then called Byzantium-from the greek city of Byzantium where Constantinople was built)was fighting alone for nearly 500 years against Arab and Turkish invasions of Asia Minor and Europe.Arab historians of the crusades accused Turks (and their infiltration of the Arab world) as responsible for the destruction of the Arab civilization,and crusaders destroyed the power of Byzantium thus making it easy for the Turks to conquer Asia Minor,Greece the, Balcans,invade,Austria twice

    and constitute one of the most thorny problems in European history the "Eastern Question";they passed all these lands by fire and sword,forced the populations of Asia Minor to become Muslims,butcered the rest or almost.the have contributed nothing to world (let alone to European)Civilazation but wanton butchery and destruction.Europe has faught very hard to get rid of this menace(Balcan wars,First World War...)and now someone wants these people into the European Union? based on what argument?and what about the write for self determination of about thirty five million Kurds?is it convenient for the Turks to call them...Terrorists,because they want their freedom? and do we want Europe to inherit this problem and curry the guerilla war of the Kurds into the mainland of Europe?...

  4. Turkey is situated mostly in Asia Minor, although a small corner of it is in the SE part of the Balkan Peninsula, which is Europe.

  5. Turkey is within both Europe and Asia. Only a small portion is within Europe, with the great majority being in Asia. Today's culture in Turkey appears more in tune with the Europeans, although about 98% of the population is Muslim.

  6. Yes.  A bit of both

  7. with all those muslims, what do you think. But im sure its in their interest to be part of europe - they get money and then the germans can enjoy the company of even more turkish immigrants - im sure the uk will enjoy the company of maybe 10 or 20 of them as well (cough*)

  8. It is in Asia Minor, or the Middle East. Either is correct. An extremely small section is in " Southeastern Europe."

  9. persian

  10. Turkey is a Muslim country and therefore it is Asian. Just change Wikipedia to "European" if you are canvassing for Turkey to be allowed into the EU. Everybody can change Wikipedia that is why nobody with any sense believes it.

    It would be a big mistake to bring Turkey into the EU, almost as big a mistake as allowing massive communities with non European politics to establish themselves in the west

  11. Turkey is democratic, secular and social state governed by the rule of law; committed to the nationalism of Atatürk and based on the principle of the separation of powers;

    So Turkey is a European  country

  12. Traditionally it's Asia Minor, the westernmost part of Asia, but the division between Europe and Asia is largely artificial, so having them join EU is not unthinkable.

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