
Is Twilight any good?

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Maybe thats the wrong question what I should ask is, is it any good for me? I love Horror novels but Im not a big romance fan. Is it the former or the latter.




  1. There is a lot of debate about whether it is well written or who it is aimed at and if people enjoyed it.

    Normally i would recommend it but if it horror your looking for then try Stephen King or Anne Rice as i think this is more romantic and although they are some scary parts they are more sit on the edge of your seat than shiver in fear.

  2. Nope.  No horror in it at all, really.  The real reason it has so many fans is for the romance aspect, with young girls swooning over the main character's boyfriend.  If you want a vampire book that isn't solely about romance, you might want to stick to Anne Rice.

  3. no, guys don't usually like it (although I did see one guy reading the second  book...) It's more of a romance book. I would suggest reading Cirque Du Freak, In Cold Blood, or The Wereling. I liked those books and they're horror, or you can try stephen king.

  4. Ok well there is a little action (fight scene) but overall it is romance. But its about vampires(not how it sounds). i suggest reading it because it is nothing like what my brothers read but they love it so...and i didn't think i would like it, but i LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE it! I think it is the best book series ever!  

  5. If your looking for a horror story i wouldn't go with twilight because it's more of a romance, there is some action but i'd call it a romance. anyway i personally loved it! ♥

  6. i personally loved it, but i like romance witha bit of action

    twilight is not the least bit scary (except the birthing scene in the last book, but i'm pretty sure thats not the kind of horror you are looking for)

  7. Twilight is most definitely a romance.  There is nothing frightening in the series at all.  

  8. definitely not.

    it is a romance.

  9. i really don't like's just about a girl who falls in love with a vampire. i don't think you should read it if you're not crazy about romance

  10. It's a teen romance novel. Despite being a vampire story, there is no horror in it at all. I started reading it because I heard how good it was supposed to be and I was not impressed at all. I love a good vampire fic and I do like romances on occasion although I don't go out of my way to read them but I was quite disappointed with this series, and I couldn't even make it through the first book.  

  11. No offence to the haters in here, but will you just shove off? Just cos u dont like it dusnt mean u hav to force others into hating it.

    seriously? I love the books, but i like romance too, but its not all just about romance, there is horror and action in it too! It's worth a try! If your anything like the millions of people out there who have read them already then you will adore them!!!

  12. It's more romance than horror.

    Doesn't sound right for you.

  13. It is not in any way horror. It's romance and only an itty bitty bit of action. I think.

  14. No. All it is is a S****y romance novel. Worth about two cents.

  15. Well the book is really good, but i dont think you will like it. It has more romance than anything

  16. it isn't even scary at all. totally not a good book for you.

  17. No, it's horrible and sets a bad example for girls all over the country.  It's about an unrealistic perfect vampire who "falls in love" with a girl (but in my opinion, he just wants to suck her blood) who becomes totally dependent on him and attempts suicide when he tries to break up with her.  Horrible, horrible books.  Try classics like Dracula, Frankenstein and Jekyll and Hyde instead.
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