
Is U.S. ties with Israel Zionism good or bad?

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Some facts for your indulgence:

-Israel army is funded by the U.S.

-Israel is the target of terrorist attacks because they occupy West Gaza (just like how U.S. was attacked on 911 for occupying the middle east in the gulf war)

-Israel is accused of genocide. Although suicide bombing is also bad, suicide bombing is a last resort tactic, not a decade old policy of ritual beatings and killings.

-Israel is the focal point of the Middle East, meaning a strategic point if you want to take over the Middle East

-The atrocious amount of reverse-racism Israel employs is astounding. Just mention Israel and people think you are racist towards Jews. Is Israel a swear word these days?

-Israel was founded on a massacre, look up the details.

-Both McCain, Obama and Clinton had unquestionable faith for Israel. Okay, quick question, why?

-Middle East is a 2000 year old religious war. So why should U.S. get involved?

Okay, I'm just about out. But seriously, doesn't anyone think the U.S. ties with Israel is very, very bad?

And no I am not racist towards all Jews, or I mean anti-religious towards Judaism since Jewish is not a race, but I do worry a bit about Zionism/neoconservatives.




  1. I have to say that it is a good thing because it goes beyond the political and into the realms of God. They are His chosen, and He Himself said that those who are against the Israelites will be condemned, but those who are for His nation of Israel will be blessed.

    As long as your country is helping "the land", and the nation of Israel I think you will find that God will have a strong hand in your country's welfare.

    Leave them and I believe the States will suffer.

  2. Israel, and now Iraq is a democracy.

    The Israeli army is not funded by the US

    They occupy the west bank because when they were invaded by Egypt, Syria and Jordan they defeated them and conquered it.

    No one with any credibility accuses Israel of genocide. Unlike many Palestinians who hate Israel and would like to see all Jews dead

    Israel is the focal point of the Middle East because its neighbors threaten Israel even though they know they can never defeat Israel

    I've found that most people who use the term Zionism are anti-Semites

    Israel fights to prevent the massacre of it's people from a people who delude themselves into believing they can somehow defeat Israel and can't even govern themselves

    McCain and Obama know that the American people wouldn't vote for them if they didn't support Israel

    If your going to ask a question don't answer it yourself Palestinians had better learn that most of their problems are brought on by themselves and their own actions, The largest killer of Muslims is other Muslims-solve that problem before trying to defeat Israel which can never be done

  3. Look at the map of the Middle East--the US has only one reliable ally over there and it is Israel.  Israel has a right to exist and to exist it must defend itself.  Israel is not a threat to the US-the Palestinian govt has not shown itself to be consistently stable and reliable-it is prone to radicals

  4. I remember that Israel withdrew from Gaza, trying to create some sort of peace. But then terrorists used Gaza to shoot rockets into Israel. It doesn't matter what Israel does they will always be attacked. Israel is our only friend in the middle east. Should we just turn our back and let them be slaughtered? Because that is exactly what will happen if we stop supporting them. The arabs around them will not say "OK now lets see how we can work this out Israel". As soon as the US is out of the picture they would attack Israel until they were no more. Then everyone around the world will be mad at the US AGAIN for letting millions of jews die.

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