I came across this site responding to a craigslist laptop last month. It sounded great, so I ordered a laptop with a prolonged ship date. You had to pay upfront, of course, and the item would be shipped a little over a month away. Here's the delima:
-The ship date was almost right up to the 45-day mark that PayPal covers for buyer's protection
-Some pictures of laptops were stolen from ebay (ex: ebay item# 120262820805)
-some gramatical errors on the site
-their business phone is listed as a cell phone.
-rude customer service.
I wrote the customer service email with my concerns and asked them to address them to make me, a paying customer, feel better about doing business with them and I got this response:
"pictures were from google pictures thank you very much and we suggest you contact our references before claiming we are a scam. how about you get your facts straight before you go talking c**p like you know what your talking about."
Then I was refunded in full. WTF?