
Is US big business the terrorists of our nation?

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They persuade votes with money.

They hate the fact that Americans want to make more money, but love the fact that the Chinese don't let their people make money.

Many of them are responsible for the coming depression.

Contaminates in toys, dog food, toothpastes, e.t.c.

They get angry at the fact a presidential candidate is no longer accepting money from them, even though Americans are the ones asking him not to. They are now attacking McCain in the media. A senate and a possible president. Although they do have a point. One lobbyist kicked off the campaign trail was quoted "I gave the campaign 2,444$ in Feb. and I will not be getting that money back."

Sounds to me that we have an enemy from within'.

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  1. 1st the lead you are talking about in the toys came from china the dog food came from china not the U.S. the enemy is not american big business ie big tobacco big oil or any of the others they are just trying survive in an economy that our elected officials dem and rep are h**l bent on sending overseas or taxing the daylights out of them for the choices that the public makes (tobacco) or blaming oil for the prices they are charging and the profit they are showing even though thier profit margin stays relatively the same +/- 1% while heaven forbib the government ever let it out how much they collected in taxes at the pump let alone how much more they collected from big oil or big tobacco for that matter

  2. i dont get it... why do libs blame bush and big companies for everything

  3. *sigh* yeah, big business are the terrorists; led by big oil and George Bush...they want to take away our rights and condemn us all to slavery...yada yada yada...they create terrorists in the Middle East, NASA has a climate machine which they are using to cause global warming, more tornados and hurricanes under the orders of Bush...yada yada yada...they all want to kill your children, pollute your rivers, burn black churches, and anything else that will keep you fearful and easier to control...yada yada yada, we are all evil and condemend to life in h**l when the devil Bush kills us all...yada yada yada...only evil people seek to better themselves and setting goals...yada yada yada...*sigh*

    Same s**t, different day.

    If you don't like it, I hear Al Qaeda's looking for a few good men/women/children.

  4. And yes, you can thank corporations for the lack of action against illegal immigrants since cheap labor is so sought after. 1 out of 3 prisoners in the U.S. are illegal immigrants...Liberals are retarded.

  5. I would say our own Politicians since for years they have made problems far worse by overcompensating to fix those problems.  Seems our Politicians are NOT working for we the citizens anymore, thus they are the "terrorists" by not acting for the good will of "we the people".

  6. Many people in big business are enemies from within but not all.  We should refrain from assuming that anyone making a lot of money has earned it fraudulently.  There actually are people who became wealthy because they provided a beneficial product or service that improved the lives of their customers.  The people in big business who are as you describe are only possible because we allow political institutions to have as much power as they do.

    Why risk your life in common crime when you can go into business and cheat your way to wealth legally?

  7. ask with palestine, iraqi, iafganisthan, people. dont ask whit iranian, russian, north korean, people.

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