
Is US influence in the world in decline?

by Guest65898  |  earlier

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Examples: Tied up in Iraq meaning it can't come to the aid of allies e.g. Georgia. Dollar in decline. Recession etc.




  1. I don't think quite yet but not far off.  Before long China is going to be calling the shots.  That is when the world is going to sorely miss the United States.

  2. Well, I think it is in decline mostly because other powers, Russia, China and India, influence is on the rise.  I think it is good for us.  We should address our own issues and allow others to do the same.

  3. The US is definitely in decline and as a demacrat who cant stand Bush or the republican party I have again finding myself having to vote for a stupid republican because my demacratic party cant put someone in that is worth voting for up for election. We had 8 great years under the clintons like them or not. And these stupid liberals in my party vote for some incompetant inexperienced hate america moron who scares the heck out of me. So here we go again I have to vote for McCain because I dont think somebody that gives good speeches is qualified with no experience. The demacratic party didn't have the guts to vote for the best candidate simply because shes a woman.

  4. abso friken lootley!


  5. America has peaked!

    (Sadly Canada is tied to the same economy and culture)

  6. England now influences us.

    The police state in England right now is the model for the rest of the world.

    Hollywood and our media industry have influence throughout the world, but as time goes on, i'm assuming you will see that in decline.

  7. war in iraq is not the reason of not intervention in georgia.America has still big resources but with Georgia they showed they don't want a war against another nuclear power.This means now Russia can go on with Poland and other countries knowing that america won't come

  8. Bankrupt, morally, ethically, politically and soon economically

    any nation that outspends the rest of the world combined on military spending, but claim to support peace and democracy,but subvert it at every doomed to decline.

  9. Bush and the Republicans have screwed this country beyond figuring.  We're hated internationally - and certainly the more countries who won't take our dollars drives the dollar down.  So some of the rise in gasoline price is just the international disdain we have made for ourselves.

    Do Not Vote Republican Again!

  10. yes

  11. I guess it has to happen eventually. Dunno about now, but eventually it will.

  12. Yes.  Odd our leaders can't see it.  But then it will be dumped on the next POTUS so they can see it themselves.  (Not that they'll admit it.)

  13. "Is US influence in the world in decline?"


    United States have turned from an independent manufacturing powerhouse and the world's leading creditor into a bankrupt nation with little manufacturing capacity left, dependent on other nations for the imports that maintain our unsustainable standard of living. The result is that the US has become the center of a system in which its number one job is to consume rather than produce.

    How does one deal with a superpower that is economically dependent but also politically useless?

  14. For the past eight years, we have dropped so far down in the eyes of the world - having an ignorant, war-mongering president was the cause.  We are now 24th in the world in terms of education - once, we were number one.  Will we ever climb back up?  Hard to tell.

  15. Globalization is a major factor is economic decline. Why would you want to go and aid third world countries when overpopulation is the problem? And with temp changes your talking about more reasons not to stretch yourself financially and regionally.  America first.

  16. No, it HAS declined.  "In decline" started about 25-30 years ago.

  17. yup

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