
Is USA upset by a girl lip syncing in the olympics?? Or tring to pick holes cos it was the best ever opening.?

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Isn't there a never ending supply of US singers caught lip syncing?? On the world stage didn't they fake the Moon landing?? Why is America Jealous China can produce a better olympics then them? Trying to pick holes in a ceremony that went flawless. Has anyone seem a superbowl opening recently in compression.. its pretty pathetic.. ITs taken decades to build a new yankee stadium and the stadium is bland in comparison to new stadiums in the rest of the world.. I think the US should stop poking at something that was a great success just because it was not produced on the American world stage..




  1. First of all, the opening ceremony was amazing. But they also spent a ton of money on it and with the technology we have today, anything can happen. So while it is an amazing opening event, you have to look at how much money China put into it. I'm not sure how much the US and other host nations spent on their opening ceremony, but I'm sure China spent a heck of a lot more.

    Anyways, the producer of the ceremony himself came forward and told the International press about the lip sync, how the real singer was too "chubby and unattractive" and how he felt bad. While US singers have lip synched before...I'm pretty sure it was never at an International event and it was always their voice. A lot of people are upset, not just the US

  2. I dont think its a big deal, wow she lip synced a song. Who cares, it was still the best opening ceremony in history.

  3. cmac is wrong

    the beijing olympics were around 1.4billion in production

    and of course the super bowl is less entertaining

    superbowl is a USA thing not a world wide event

    although some people do watch the superbowl overseas

    and USA is doing this because we aren't used to seeing stuff that top us (except for japanese products - techs and trains)

    right now it's USA, japan, china

    in 2020 it will be china, usa, japan

    and we are scared of that

    it's like having another kid on the playground with a bigger lolipop

  4. Ack! Can we please stop the endless repeat questions about lip-syncing, underage Chinese gymnasts, fake fireworks, etc. there have been 100's of questions like this, and your question sounds like you're just trying to bait Americans and tick people off.

  5. Nah. It was a great opening but what they did to the girls is just pathetic.

    Look, I don't buy this argument that people are just jealous that's why they are saying that. If you really have a good stand, you won't even substitute the girls.

  6. i think everyone's upset because they didn't pick the girl to show on stage because she didn't look they only used her voice....

    sure, we have a lot of lip syncing....but that's from celebrities.....

    we'd expect it from divas..........

  7. Just keep on FUELING the fire.

    Don't be an idiot and stop instigating.

    I know for a fact that Americans Everywhere were amazed and applaud the Chinese for those ceremonies. Maybe not all but most of use respect China dearly.

  8. I could careless if they lip synced. I do however have issue with the reason behind the lip syncing. It was an excellent opening ceremony and I look forward to the closing ceremony. It is sad that such an amazing opening ceremony is being tarnished. By them having a prettier girl lip sync over a not so pretty girl, but they brought it upon themselves.

  9. don't blame average americans, the usa media will do anything to convince how bad other countries are with any opportunities they have. why they do that? because every country has its own problems, i don't know about people living in usa, but the rest of the world is pretty much very aware of what kind of problems the usa is having now, the government cannot fix the problems so it can only direct people's attention to other countries problems while paying less attention to its own, in result, you will have tv corporations like nbc and fox, and don;t get me start on cnn, i feel sad for people who actually believe everything they heard on cnn.

  10. they are behaving that way because it was the best opening ever and I would like to see what they are going to try to do to top it.

    Good luck to them.

    The athletes may be small but they are representing

  11. When people sing the U.S. national anthem at events, they are almost always lip syncing.  If they did it live it wouldn't work nearly as good.  For instance Whitney Houston's rendition of The U.S. National Anthem for the Super Bowl 25 opener is said by critics to be one of the best renditions, but it was prerecorded.  

    In the U.S. they have to credit the right person.  That's why there was a Milli Vanilli scandal, even though Madonna and Britney Spears are known to lip sync at their concerts.  If the other girl lip synced to her own song, then there wouldn't have been as big of a scandle.

  12. I dont think its the lip syncing that upset people, including Chinese ppl, Its that they used a different girl to "sing" bcos the real singer was deemed unattractive. she was a little girl! thats harsh imo. all children are precious!

  13. the opening ceremony was incredible. it really was.

    but i am upset with the whole situation. it doesnt matter to me that the kid was lip-synching at all. what bothers me is that they chose a "more attractive" girl to lip synch it. the girl who is "less attractive" should have been up there, not the cuter one.  its terrible and the people involved with this decision should be ashamed for doing this to a CHILD.

  14. I think the USA was just following up on that either British or French news article about the ugly chinese girl singing on a track and a normal chinese girl lipsynching and receiving the credit for it.  Nothing political or disturbing about it.  The USA caught word of it after someone did research on that and the simulated fireworks.

    The USA never went into the Olympic games thinking they were the best.  We are there just trying our best to compete against the World and are not singling china out, even if they are cheating.  It's always been "MAY THE BEST COUNTRY WIN"!!!!!

  15. Did you just compare a 100 million dollar Olympic opening to a superbowl opening? FOOL!

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