
Is USD1,600 sufficient to survive in Bahrain?

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I've been offered a job in Manama with salary package of USD1,600 pr mnth which includes accomodation & transportation (from home to office). Currently the job offer is yet to be sealed as i am planning to negotiate the salary.

1) What is the moderate cost of living for a young, single individual in Manama?

2) How much can i save from the salary?

3) The company offer me a permanent basis employment. Is there anything that i should be cautious of?

4) If i were to negotiate the salary, how much would be a decent salary?

Thank you in advance and really hope to get a prompt reply as i need to get back to my prospective employer the soonest.





  1. Hi there,

    First of all take into account that 1BHD = $2.65, meaning $1,600 is equal to around 605 BHD.

    When u say inclusing accomodation and transportation, do you mean they will provide with accomodation, or you should find a flat to pay from your 605 salary????

    Ok here is the case , you r biggest challenge is accomodation and transportation, with these two out of your way, and ur getting 605 then ur good, in cas they r not giving you accomation, take into account rent start as of 300BHD and upword.

    In the contract, check for yearly economy ticket, check for termination compensation, plus check for resignation deductions.

    Regarding saving, it all depends on your control and expenses, everything is available in Bahrain... so ho much can you control your expenses.

    check out this website it will help you a lot:

    hope i helped

  2. Thats only a bit above average. What you mentioned is only equal to BD 605 per month. Average is BD 500. Accommodation can be very expensive. I would not take that offer if I were you but it all depends on you.

    E-mail me for more specific answer

  3. That might be a little tight... I'll see what I can find after some research - I live in Dhahran.

    What's the position, and what's your nationality?

    [edit]  I just re-read your question and saw that they cover your apartment and transportation... that helps out a lot, but I'd get some info on the place before I accepted it - where is your office going to be, and where is the apartment?

  4. All  of these salary questions are relative to your expectations. An expat from Saudi can blow through 650 BHD in a weekend.  A TCN can live modestly for a month.  You need to clafify your expectations.

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