
Is Ukraine next in line, after Georgia?

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Perhaps not immediately, but like a year later, Russia might attack Ukrainian forces over something. They've already tried a coup and tried to assassinate the popular political opposition, and then there was that time they cut of gas supplies during winter, forcing innocent civilans to live in the cold. I hear the feeling and thinking from Kiev (Ukrainian capital) is that they are next in line after Georgia. I'm thinking that sadly Russia wins this round, like what it sees and does the same to Ukraine. Thoughts and views. What could happen in the future? Any additional information would be appreciated?





  1. It seems that Georgia gave Russia the perfect opportunity to attack. They just didn't think it through, the Georgians that is. Reminds me of General Galtieri in the Falklands. He thought we wouldn't bother to travel all that way to retake the islands. There's an old expression 'know thine enemy'. Nobody bothers so they get a good hiding for nothing.

  2. I think you should get your FACTS STRAIGHT before even attempting to stir s**t dear Sir.

    South Ossetia has been trying to go independent from Georgia for quite some time. Naturally they have been trying to win Russian support in order to help them to achieve what they are seeking.

    Without getting to deep into the political debate of the entire region/situation, Georgia attacked South Ossetia in order to assert its authority on the state. GET IT??? Georgia attacked first!!! Why did Russia retaliate...well....just so your chicken s**t brain understands it  was a bit like Britain's involvement in Falkland war.

  3. People of the world. You deceive! World mass media conduct propagation of a false information. Russia DID NOT ATTACK Georgia! 07.08.2008 at 22:00 Georgia has attacked South Ossetia. At 3:30 08.08.2008 tanks of the Georgian armies have entered into city Tskhinvali. Artillery bombardment all the day long proceeded, fights with use of tanks and heavy combat material, both against ossetic armies, and against peace inhabitants were conducted. 1400 civil people already were lost. The Russian peacemakers have arrived to South Ossetia in the evening 08.08.2008 for settlement of the conflict and prompting of the world in republic and protection of the Russian citizens living on territory of South Ossetia. Georgia has attacked South Ossetia on eve of Olympiad, it is top of cruelty and cynicism. Proofs and video-materials look on : , , , , , , .We shall tell is not present to WAR!!!

  4. Georgia shot down two Russian jets. Not the other way round. But I do see your point. The Soviet Union never really ended.

  5. yea yea already heard that Russians didn't start the war, bla bla bla bla... the plains weren't bombing just sparking things were coming out bla bla bla bla... etc . etc. etc.  

  6. Irina is actually right and people don't seem to care if unless certain Europeans (even though Georgia and Russia are in Asia) are fighting. I wish Dafur, Rwanda, Liberia, Sri Lanka and Burma got this much attention.  

  7. You got it. The ultimate bread basket of the balkans. The other will be that place with all the oil. Russia likes this capitalist investment stuff even more than China. They are coming back strong and U.S. Congress is on vacation because they don't know what to do anyway. No more bread, well let them eat cake, says Pelosi.

  8. Russia has already started it, but in Ukrain its a bit difficult coz Geprgia has 2 conflict regions, both are supported and backed by russia, and in Ukrain russia supports the opposition and tries to split the country into 2 peases..

    guys, you dont know what Russia is like! it has HUGE territories and still tries to annex little countries like Georgia,

    sure Russia wants to be a leader and tries to do it in every way possible  

  9. Russia wants to go back to the Soviet times. if the world lets it annex Georgia then sure, Ukraine or any other country can be next in line  

  10. Sorry to say, but I think you're correct.

    If  Russian aggression is allowed to continue, then the future looks bleak for the region and maybe eastern Europe.   Russia want to re- contruct the old Soviet empire and return to its former 'glory'.

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