
Is United States economy really this bad?

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My friend come over tonight and say we can't have no turkey for Thanksgiving because they will be too expensive and nobody will have one. She say that cheeseburgers at McDonalds will be no more because cheese is to expensive to ship now. She say that the banks all close around Christmas time and nobody will have no more money.

Is that true?




  1. she say wrong---the U,S will always find a way to help each other on holidays.  and a cheesebuger will only be a few cents more.and the banks will close as they always have.  -------and that sure the h**l better not be you that gave thumbs down!!!!!

  2. its in a ok stage. and you will be able to have turkey and all the good stuff.

    cheese dosent cost that much.

    banks closed around christmas time  its normal thats nothing new its a holiday.

    banks try to get a three day weekend if they can.

  3. Oh please.

    I'm having turkey. I dint know whats wrong with your friend. But i can guarantee you that there will be a turkey on my table on Thanksgiving.

    Your friend is a loon-dont listen to her.  

  4. No, we are far from that dear.  I promise, I saw turkeys yesterday.  We are all a little spooked right now because of what is going on in the world.  I was at the store and cheese was plentiful.  

  5. buy your turkey now, also your cheese, and take your money out of the bank, that way you can beat the odds.

  6. yes it is bad bad and all over the world too

  7. pretty much...except I just ate some cost me 4 bucks just for one slice

    so worth it

  8. Now, that's a little extreme.


    1.) Trillions of dollars of debt.

    2.) Increasing the money supply which puts inflation higher.

    3.) Fuel costs so high that it makes it more expensive for countries to ship their products.

    4.) Wars in other countries. Heck, 1/4 of our national budget is for Iraq.

    5.) Outsourcing our labor.

    6.) Other countries holding billions of our dollars.

    7.) The cost of living is going up badly.

    8.) The foreclosures that happened on our homes.

    Need I go on? Ok....

    9.) People using credit cards to increase their personal debt.

    10.) Fractional banking which allows a bank to lend out $10 for every real dollar they have. Thus, every time they do this, we go $9 more in debt. Now, take into account a $200,000 mortgage on ONE house, and you can see where this escalates quickly.

    11.) The cost of college is very high.

    12.) College students not taking up a science/engineering that can create innovation/new products to bolster our economy.

    13.) Food prices are going up as well.

    14,) 1/2 of our national budget is for military purposes rather than other programs which can enrich our economy.

    15.) Low confidence in the dollar.

    16.) Social class disparity widening more.

    17.) Just bad budgeting on both the personal up to the national level.

    Yes, we are heading for something bad. And no, I'm not saying this because the media told me. I knew of this before they took notice. You must understand that depressions used to be a common thing in the late 1800s U.S. Everything is cyclical, and the economy is no different. It has its highs and its lows.

    This being a global economy. When the U.S. has its hard times, it will have a domino effect on the rest of the world.

    We're just going into one of those bad lows for awhile, and then it'll eventually rebound.

    We've made it through these depressions before. The people will just have to learn to be more grateful and self-sufficient. We'll do it again.


    the economy is actually better than before like 10 years ok but.......... this could also lead to recession AKA pre depression so if the economy is soaring like it is (bull market) then sooner or later the depression will follow most likely........ so your friend is wrong but only about the economy being bad at the present it could turn 4 the worst anytime soon(soon means between the next few years)

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