
Is University/College REALLY easier then high school!!??

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Is University/College REALLY easier then high school!!??




  1. I wouldn't call it easier in general. On a personal level it may be the same as high school if you were disciplined and got straight A's, studied and did well on tests. I don't think anyone would say college is easier than high school, especially not a B or C student but I think if anything they may say college was on the same level of their high school.

    In my case I didn't believe that to be true. So it's based on personal opinion, what college you go to cause you can't group them all together and what kind of student you are.

  2. For some people college is much easier, because these people understand time management and enjoy not having the busy work of high school (I'm one of these people).  For other people college is quite hard because you have all this free time and no one checks on your homework, so it is easy to skip doing work.  Furthermore, many university classes don't make attendance mandatory, so some students fall into the trap of not attending class.  But as long as you go to most (if not all) of your classes, do your work, and study you will find college quite easy.

  3. It depends really.  In high school, I studied hard and worked at the same time and graduated as an honor student.  Then, I went for a year at a community college where I again studied hard and worked.  Then, I came to a university 4 hours away from where I call home.  The same class I took at both schools and one I got an A and at the other I got a B.  I honestly think that at the university level the curriculum is much more challenging and you have to push yourself more to succeed.  Often at the community colleges teachers are more willing to help you.  At the university level, they expect you to come to them when you need help and they won't always give you the time of day the first time.  

  4. No.  I was bored for my four years of High School and didn't study.

    On the other hand, I found College much more challenging and had to work hard.

    The flip side of this is that I hated HS and didn't do well.  On the other hand, I loved college and did very well once I learned how to study efficiently.

  5. I'm not trying to toot my own horn here, but I found that high school and college were about the same for me.  I didn't do anything in high school to make A's and I don't do anything in college and I make A's.  However, the only difference I have found between the two is that in college studying is definitely necessary.  I didn't study in high school; however, in college, I study for at least 6 hours for each test sometimes I don't even sleep before the test because I'm up ALL night studying.  

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