
Is University of Phoenix a good school?

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And how is the schedule i heard you go one day every week.




  1. nope its's pretty terrible

  2. I have heard both good and bad things about the University of Phoenix.  Mostly the bad things I hear though are from those students that took the Online courses- they say, "Employers do not take me very seriously when they notice it was all online courses."  However, those that attended classes on campus, like you're considering, have all said wonderful things.  They loved only going one night during the week, or taking more classes, but taking them just on the weekends and they say, "The schooling I got was directly related to my job/career and I'm making good money now.  University of Phoenix was a good choice."  They also say though, "The homework is almost never-ending."  So, it will all come down to you- can you handle a lot of homework?  Are you good at time management?  Are you responsible enough to get your work done without procrastinating and putting it off all week?  If you can say yes to those, then UOP is a good choice for you!

  3. Yes it is a good school. you go one day a week but you have alot of online work.

  4. i wouldn't go

  5. It really depends on your goals and aspirations.  If you're looking for an easy way out of school with getting a "degree" and looking for that specific job that you majored in and stick with that for the rest of your life, then it would be a good school for you.  If you plan on trying to pursue higher education at a traditional university, it would not be a good choice.  University of Phoenix, or basically tech schools is not a good idea if you plan on going to grad school.  I suppose more companies would recognize University of Phoenix on a resume than any other tech school, but it isn't as prestigious as a well-known university.  If I were you, I would first find out what your goals are and then decide.  If you plan on going the other, more difficult but also very worth it, I would suggest going to a community college and then transferring to a university  

  6. No. It's a poor quality online school. If you want to take online or distance courses do it through your local college or a regular university that offers on-campus courses too. This way the quality of your education will be better and when it comes time for employment you won't have to worry about your employer judging you for taking distance/online courses your diploma will read the same as someone who has taken on-campus classes. The difference may be spotted on a transcript, but likely not unless your employer learns to spot different section numbers.

  7. Good question.  I have a girl from there (in my area) that is calling me to finish my application. I was considering do this so I will definately check back for answers!

  8. I'm assuming that you are looking at one of their physical sites, rather than their online programs.  However, even there, they generally have a pretty poor reputation.  I've known people who taught for them, and in most cases, they wouldn't have been hired by most universities.  Even before they started doing their online courses, I heard from a number of our students that they had gone to the information sessions, and all they had talked about was how to pay for it, rather than about anything that you would learn.

  9. Yes, UOP is a good 'school', it is a University, NOT a tech school as some poster says below, who regrets his tech school education.

    If you attend an on-ground location, yes, your classes are usually held one evening or w/end day a week, for class, but you usually are required to meet with your group one other day of the week as well, for your group / learning team projects - which influences your overall grade.  

    Some classes can require more participation, but as the other poster below says - and I CAN verify, there is a LOT of homework and coursework to do, so you MUST be self-disciplined to get it done, and get it done ON TIME.

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