
Is Usain Bolt the undisputed star of the Olympics?

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You d**n right he is.

First of all the world's fastest man/human title is considered the most pestigious in all olympic sports.

Also, much fewer athletes take part in swimming as compared to athletics.The pool of potential competitors in running includes almost all the world.

Bolt comfortably broke his own world record in the 100m and beat the 200m world record which stood for 12 years.

Also, Bolt is from Jamaica a country much smaller and fewer in resources than the USA.

Lastly, the 100m and 200m athletics race is much more exciting to watch than swimming. That's evident by comparing viewing figures of both sports.




  1. Phelps is ssoooooo much more a star than Bolt

    When bolt breaks as many world records and gets as many gold medals, then we will talk

    Proof is in the gold baby. Can't deny it.

  2. well you answered it yourself

    but who decides that the "worlds fastest man" is the most prestigious in all olympic sports? I wasn't aware of that

    Not to take anything away from bolt, but i'd rather be in phelps shoes

    and im a big track fan, i could care less for swimming

  3. Not undisputed, but definitely Bolt is the Star of these Olympics ... props to Phelps for an amazing accomplishment, but Bolt is the star of the games given the nature of the events.

    Phelps has the advantage that swimmers "typically" come from first world countries (swimming excludes most third world countries) whereas track and field involves all countries around the world. Most third world countries don't even have swimming pools to swim in, let alone facilities to train and compete in. Track is available to everyone, therefore, a more competitive field as compared to swimming.

    Throw in the $700 Speedo swimsuits required just to be on par with the richer swimmers and you leave out even more swimmers ... Like soccer, track is much more competitive, and the 100 metre dash is considered the "premiere event" of the Olympics to determine the FASTEST MAN on EARTH, therefore, Bolt has been the star especially given the extent of his 100 m win followed by his 200 m win ...

  4. Not to most people, that would Phelps.

    bolt isn't even in the same league as super star world record holding Phelps.

  5. Keep it real man, you know Micheal Phelps Is! P***k Yea!  

  6. You are totally off base when you say "Lastly, the 100m and 200m athletics race is much more exciting to watch than swimming. That's evident by comparing viewing figures of both sports."

    Ask NBC who the star of the games is.  They - and their sponsors will tell you it is Michael Phelps - hands down.  Usain Bolt is utterly amazing.  But this was the Michael Phelps Olympics.  You can take that to the banks.  He will.

  7. i really think that years from now michael phelps is going to be the one who is remembered, just because he is considered "the greatest olympian of all time" with 14 gold medals and broke mark spitz's record

  8. are you telling me the 2 gold medals and 2 world records are better than 8 gold medals and 7 world records?  michael is the main attraction of this olympics.  people who dont even watch swimming got into the sport because of him.

    Michael Phelps is the undisputed star of the Olympics.

  9. Bolt sucks compared to phelps.

  10. I wouldnt say undisputed star.  I mean phelps is I think the biggest star to come out of the olympics.  I mean your talking about 8 gold medals in a single olympics, and 7 world records.  Its feat no one has done ever.  It depends on how you define star I guess.  I hear Phelps has $50million dollars in endorsements lined up.  and Phelps is definitely a household name across the globe.  i think they are both stars who have both accomplished unique feats.  I dont thinkyou can label one as a bigger star.  and if your talking about china in their eyes the biggest stars are China’s Yang Wei and China’s Guo Jingjing. They're the biggest stars in over a billion people's eyes.  

  11. I concur with you.

  12. Na.  He's not a star but a dope head.  In track, you can't  break world records with such a huge margin in such a short time without help.  If you have ever run track, you know that 1 sec on a world record is almost impossible. It takes incredible strength and speed to set a world record to begin with.

  13. Yes I agree, and i have nothing against Michael Phelps, but if Usain Bolt had 8 chances to win a gold medal, he would !  And when he broke that world record was the first time he actaully ran full force, he wasnt even running full force in his other races and still dominated. He is amazing!

  14. Sounds like you answered your own question......

    Jenny Finch will always be my star

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