
Is Utility and internet cost expensive in Greece?

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Good morning!

Can you please tell me how much interent costs in Greece and other bills like water, electric, cable, ect..

What is a mainatance fee for condos in Athens? Is this ALL the bills ?

efxaristo poli :)




  1. 1. Water depends on your usage and the quality of pipes in your home; it's been found that a lot of water is wasted because of leakage.

    Electric is dependent on your usage, how big your home is, if your home is insulated (if it isn't, it uses more energy), what floor you're on (lots of things). Go to the electric company ( to look up rates. Go to evdap to get a sense of water ( I know single people who pay 150 euros every 2 months, and I know families of 4 who pay 650 euros every two months for electric; and they were trying very hard to be frugal. Rates just went up on July 1.

    2. Kinochrista - Maintenance, depends.  If you are not in your own stand-alone home and the building has many apartments, you may need to pay kinochrista (common expenses), which amounts to electric for the hallway, front light, doorbell, elevator; cleaning service expenses (if there is one), elevator maintenance (if there is one), water, etc for the building split amongst everyone, plus petrol/oil for heating. The latter may be according to your usage, if you have an independent meter; or it may be shared if it's a general meter that you don't control yourself (ends up being a bit unfair since one family may use more petrol than the other, but still pay the same as you who didn't use much).

    Some landlords just charge you more rent and you never see an itemization of what you're paying; some have a person in the building who calculates and itemizes everything, then bills you every month.

    3. Internet -- Depends on the company you choose and the speed (dial up, isdn, adsl -- many speeds), and the program (some measure by time, others by volume; some are unlimited). There are lots of companies, but here are a few where you can research rates.

    4. Cable - This is optional. Most people have whatever the Greek state provides for free. Some get their own satellite dish for the roof. Some get a box that gives access to foreign channels that you pay once. Some sign up with Nova ( -- the only cable company -- on a monthly plan.

    5. Phone - Again, depends. If you get a stathero (fixed line in your home). Or you can opt for only cell phones. Some companies have bundles where you can get internet, cell phone and stathero (fixed line) all for one price.

    6. Cell phones only

    Whether this is all the bills depends on what you choose to select for your home and your life. Also it depends on what kind of rental contract you sign (if you rent); some landlords assign the repairs and maintenance to you, and will not assist you if something breaks or needs to be replaced. Some offer a contract where they pay for maintenance and repair.

    You don't need to come to this forum to ask these types of questions. A search on Google can produce the same thing or previous links to websites you've already been given on other questions you asked have the answers you're looking for.

  2. Internet costs are about 20 euros a month for a 24mbit/ 1mbit ADSL2+ connection, with no download limits. There isn't any cable Tv in Greece btw ;-). Water bills are higher in the big cities, and unless you have a big family living in a house it won't be much (because there is a "fine", the more water you consume, the bigger the fine is). Electric bills are at least 150 euros every two months (some other bills like city taxes are included in the electric bill right now, but this will probably change). Phone bills are at least 30 euros every two months, and there are the heating bills and common bills to pay for the building you live in.

  3. greece is less expensive than uk . around 30%

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