
Is V8 juice as good as fresh vegetables?

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I really don't eat enough fresh vegetables, because I don't like them. I love V8 juice though.

How does it really compare to fresh vegetables?




  1. Nothing canned can be as good as fresh, I don't think. Still, if that's the only way you can get your daily veggies, then go for it, V8 is still good for you!

  2. I'm looking at a can right now.

    No, something from a can isn't as good as fresh... think of the preservatives and stuff.

    I see a lot of "from concentrate" on the ingredients list, an unknown "flavoring" is listed, as well as a high sodium count (690mg).

  3. Fresh veggies are always the better choice. My dad used to love the low-sodium V8 juice though. A better alternative would be an investment in a juicer and then you can make your own.

  4. no, it's definitely not.

    first of all, it contains loads of sodium.  second, many of the essential nutrients in vegetables are lost in the pastuerization process used in the production of V8.  

    one of the reasons that fruit and vegetables are so good for those on a diet is that it takes effort for your body to chew and digest them, burning calories.  while the calories burned and calories consumed do not cancel each other out they DO minimize your caloric intake.  when you drink V8 your body does not go through these same processes, so you are consuming many more calories that you would if you ate the veggies fresh.

    also, you're only getting a small number of vegetables in each glass of need variety in your veggie intake to get all of the vitamins and nutrients that you would need.  your body needs more nutrients than what can be found in a blend of carrot, beet, tomato, and celery juices.

  5. no ! it has preservatives.

  6. it's got a whole lot of sodium. even the low sodium brand has quite a bit.

  7. maybe not but it's better than nothing...

    Some canned like tomatoes and other fruits are better because they were canned at peak of ripeness and freshness whjile those sold in stores are usually a few days old already. That's why many chefs now use canned in place of fresh during the off season.

  8. No. Fresh vegetables have fresh vitamins, minerals, and of course a lot of fibre. A pill or drink never take the place of fresh fruits and vegetables, but it is not bad for you either; except for the sodium content.

  9. it has a lot of sodium in it, I think like 400 some mg a serving, fresh veggies are better

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