
Is VFW Post Phone Message Offensive and racist or freedom of speech Y/N/?

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Is VFW Post Phone MessageA VFW in Susquehanna County is drawing some attention because of its answering machine message. Some in Montrose wonder if it the right message.

The VFW near Montrose is a busy place along Route 706, a place where many in the area come to socialize. But some folks are questioning the post's answering machine message, saying it's not very social at all.

"Hello, this is Montrose VFW. We are an English speaking, American establishment. If you do not speak English or believe in America, please hang up," the message says.

"Racist. I mean, that's like, this is a free country, isn't it? That's what my understanding is," said Teresa Arthofer of Montrose. She wasn't happy hearing about the message, calling it unconstitutional.

"Does it say English speech? It just says freedom of speech. No where in there does it say freedom of English speech. It just says, freedom of speech," Arthofer added. [Boy!! now there's a whiz kid for ya!!]




  1. I find their message humorous and they are exercising their right to free speech. VFW is an exclusive organization, to be considered for membership you must be a U.S. Veteran of a  Foreign War, not a refugee of a foreign war. If you were in the military and did not serve in a foreign war then you can not join. The rules are not racist.

  2. The VFW is an establishment for veterans of foreign wars.  They are very proud to have defended this country and put their lives on the line.  They have every right to expect English speaking patron who believe in the same country these people fought to keep free.  

  3. Speaking as a "Life Member" of the VFW, if you don't like it, too bad. This is a private club, members only, and if this is offensive to you, good. Go start your own club. We are Americans first!

  4. "believe in America"??  they kinda seem paranoid about something n a little stupid.

    i guess its not racist cuz they can say watever they want.  but if a person doesnt understand english then how would they know wat the answering machine is saying?

  5. To the best of my knowledge, the US military uses English.  So by definition, US military veterans speak English.  You'll notice there aren't any words in there about one's family of origin.  Lots of vets come from families originating all over the world and they're welcome at the VFW.

    The VFW is a private organization.  They can choose their membership however they want to.  I can very much understand how a group of folks who have been overseas and in harm's way would want to associate with those who share the same ideals they fought for.

    ...I do think it's kinda silly putting the "If you do not speak English..." line in there though.  If a caller doesn't speak English they aren't going to understand the instruction anyway.

  6. lol, talk about irony !!!!!

    She says it herself- "It just says, freedom of speech," Arthofer added

    Arthofer, they are exercising their right to freedom of speech, which you have acknowledged exists. It is a private club and they have the right to say what ever they want on their answering machine.  

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