
Is Valerin Any good for Menopause Heart beating fast? & anxiety?

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I take soy, doesnt seem to be helping




  1. Valerian is a very good herb for relaxation and sedation (especially insomnia) - it should help with anxiety - but perhaps you are one of the minority of people where valerian has the opposite effect, and can cause heart beating fast, restlessness, anxiety etc

    There are other herbs which are better for Menopause in general - black cohosh and agnus castus are 2 of the best

    For cases of menopause where the main symptoms were anxiety, or 'hormonal' mood swings St John's Wort would be a good choice.

    Soya will help your menopause symptoms, but you should not expect soya, or any of the natural herbs to be a quick fix - although you should feel some improvement within a couple of months

    Some herbs which do work quicker to act on your anxiety problems (as alternatives to valerian) are: lemon balm, passion flower, camomile, kava kava, vervain

    Good luck, and hope you are feeling better soon

  2. Yes! It is great for anxiety and stress, although I wouldn't take it during the day if you are at work and such as it can make you feel sleepy. I recommend 2 things. 5HTP (naturally raises the seratonin levels in the brain) helps with depression and anxiety with no side effects, you can start and stop it at any time. It makes you cool as a cucumber happy as a clam and it is available at any drugstore. Also for the menopause I highly recommend a cream by "A.I.M" called "RENEWED BALANCE" it will also help with the anxiety, hot flashes, rapid heartbeat. It is made from wild yam root and is well known to help with menopause. Here is a site that tells you about it.....

  3. You can try it.

    Also, for anxiety. try L-Theanine.

  4. do you mean valerian root?

    it's good for all types of stress and anxiety in my book.

    and if you can't take the smell of it (as a tea, or the burping of it from the capsules)...try arizona stress tea, it is not caffeinated and has a decent amount of valerian root in it. i have a chronic pain condition seriously aggravated by stress and anxiety, and that stuff really works AND tastes just fine!

    p.s. i just got a free sample of Estroven PM and it has valerian root in it, so they think it's good for menopause!

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