
Is Vancouver experiencing "white flight"?

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Not necessarily quickly, but are white people moving to more predominately white suburbs?




  1. Guest31963
    That's great news!now if whites can go back to Europe things will get even better.

  2. wow same moron different alias

  3. I feel that white people are leaving,as more non whites come to Metro Vancouver.I believe most white people like to be around other white people and there is nothing wrong with that.It is the law of nature to want to exist with others of your own kind.

  4. I feel that white people are leaving,as more non whites come to Metro Vancouver more whites leave.I believe most white people like to be around other white people and there is nothing wrong with that.It is the law of nature to want to exist with others of your own kind.

  5. yes definitely. As non-white ethnic minorities have been trickling into Vancouver since the end of the Vietnam War, white Vancouverites have slowly gravitated toward the suburbs. Since 1986, as more and more Chinese and South Asian have immigrated to Metro Vancouver, even the suburbs have mostly emptied out of white populations-see parts of East Vancouver, Burnaby, Richmond, Surrey etc. In the decades following 1990, the majority of whites have moved out to Victoria, the Kamloops area and the Kelowna area. I have done research on this data.
    If the cost of living of Vancouver is too high, see real estate then it will be just ordinary working -class and the middle class occupations that will also take flight from metro Vancouver as well..leaving it with the precariously poor and the impossibly rich. Services such as Police, Fire, Hospital workers, teachers and other civil servants will leave Vancouver because of the cost of purchasing a home will be out of reach. The future of Vancouver and metro Vancouver will depend on how pricey real estate gets or nothing will fill the population vaccum.
    Michael Chang
    Vancouver, BC
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