
Is Volleyball a good Sport for a HS Senior who has never Played it before to Try?

by Guest61413  |  earlier

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Will the competition be too rough? how could i know ahead of time whether or not I would be good?

I'm 6'0" and weigh 145 if you can tell anything by that




  1. It is a great sport to play and is fairly easy to pick up.  I was in a simliar situation and loved the sport, even though I had never played it before my junior year.  From there I went and played college club volleyball.  As far as competition, sure you probably won't be the best pleyer out there, but if you go try hard and want to learn - you will be a valuable part of the team

  2. You will most likely suck if you have never played before.  You will probably get cut.  So no, I would not try it.

  3. it depends! if you're coordinated you should be fine!

      when i was a freshman  i was completely uncoordinated and i was a total JOKE on the team, but by junior year i was MVP  and now im about to sign for a DI team..

       on the other hand a friend of mine had never seen a volleyball before try-outs frosh year, and she was a varsity starter that year.  she was just talented.

          if you just 'get it' like my friend   and you work hard @ it (an i mean REALLY hard) you could definitly make the team. try watching pro or college volleyball- its one of the few sports where the basics dont really change from high school to college level. and try joining a club team between now and spring season.

       GOOD LUCK!

  4. yes and u have any experiance what so ever?  if so...then yes...try it out...but if you've never touched a volleyball in your life...then no...unless you don't have a problem being on a JV or C type of team.  The coach will really want to put out the very expreinced players...if the competion is rough....this school made it to state...and the new girl didnt get to play any of the district ,region, or state games because the competions were very rough...when you get to a varsity level...the hitters will most likely be very good...and those hits hurt!  But, she may want you to be a middle blocker for all those hits!  good luck though!!

  5. you'll proly suck, plus thats a girl sport but if you wanna try just enjoy yourself no matter ur skill level

  6. in my opinion, i highly doubt it. if you want to talk about height and weight go try for wrestling. volleyball takes time, patience and skills to excel. competition is never rough if you put your mind in it.

  7. personally no, b/c i think it takes time to learn it

  8. Yes, becaose vball help strenghten youm muscle and bones. The arm and leg will be more stronger after you start a few great game of vball.

  9. yes you should gives the people (college people looking @ application) a good idea of how you are. they will say wow this guy took a chamnce and played volleyball for the first time.

  10. i play volleyball...and it isnt that easy of a need to have strong arms and need to be able to jump, aim, and hit hard. you also need to be able to block and take pain well..when i was going in to jr high i decided to try out for the team...just for fun...i had never touched a volleyall before. it turned out i kinda had a nack for it..i was on the A team...voted tea captain..a starter..and won the most threatening spike award... so you never know how good you are at something until you try. and ur tall so you would probably be good at spiking and blocking..i thin you should try out and just see what happens...i wish you the best of luck...and feel free to contact me for any advice.

  11. Volleyball is one of those sports, that you either hate love.  I played in highschool all four years, and loved it.  If you never palyed it before and are going to start for the first time.  You're proabably not gonna be any good.  It took two years to get any good.  But, yoiu should always be willing to try new things.  Whether or not your any good!

  12. I love volleyball! I'm not that great at it, but to me it doesn't matter. As long as you have fun, I think you should give it a try.

  13. height and weight have nothing to deal with skill. you'll probably wont get picked if there are others who have previously been on the team for the past few years. unless you're exceptionally good.... i'd play with one of the volleyball members to see how good you are

  14. no u should never try a sport for the first time as a senior the team will hate u Ive had it happen to me before

  15. It depends on where you go to school. At my school, anybody can make the team, as a general rule. I just started playing this year and it was late for me to start, too. But I loved it. It is so much fun. If you really wanna do it, you should definitely try. Try your best, and even if you don't make it, you'll know you did your best. I say you should practice ahead of time and learn all you can about volleyball. good luck=)

  16. You are really tall so you will probaly be good at hitting and be able to help the team alot so yeah I think you should give it a try. It's a really fun sport i've played for three years and I'm really glad. It has taught me a lot about the game and about myself.

  17. Yes, volleyball is a sport u really dont need to be in shape! u just got to no how to play! and if ur new the positions arent hard to leave u mostly just go around.!

  18. i am now a official volleyball freak, i play like every day, and for it i used to be pail and now i have a rocking sun tan.It is very easy to fit into as a new game.

  19. sorry to burst your buddle but the chansec of you making the team are slim unless you havea class of 50

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