
Is WalMart the only big company that has a negative effect on our nation?

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I know that WalMart is a terrible corporation, but my question is if there are any others I should be aware of. Rite Aid, Target, etc.

I'm trying to stop buying anything from wally world!! Where can I shop instead?




  1. I'm really P/O about big oil > through mergers & acquisitions,  they've eliminated all viable competition.    

  2. i dont think target is something you should be concerned about. The company does donate money and time to the community and i havent heard their employees complain about working there.

    Walmart is probably the only retail giant that you shouldnt go to.  

  3. Although I am not sure if there is a definite good/bad factor, shopping at local stores brings in revenue for your town. Small businesses are a bit more expensive, but they usually provide a more quality product. Some things cannot be avoided, though. What local store is going to manufacture and sell things like diapers, cell phones, computers etc. This is where green living comes into play.

  4. General Electric currently has a stranglehold on many alternative energy resources, which affects this entire nation, especially during energy problems, and they use their many other resources, such as NBC, to insure this does not become obviously unfavorable to them. So, yes, I would say they have a negative effect on our nation. And they also have moved many of their industries to other nations to take advantage of better profits offered there. And in light of that, and the exceptional drug prices at Walmart pharmacies, and the many people employed by Walmart in the USA, I would have to disagree that Walmart has a negative affect on the USA. Problems? Sure, but only some among many others in other areas and other companies, and other people. Balance is the key - compromise, looking for win-win situations - look for people who require that they winning means somebody else loses - those are the baddies.

  5. what bout all these mortgage companies that got us into this financial mess????????

  6. Audiovox uses slaves in Taiwan to build their radios and TVs

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